• Al Festival URBACT si discute di riuso di spazi pubblici, innovazione, competitività e governance

    Densa di appuntamenti la seconda giornata della terza edizione del Festival delle buone pratiche URBACT. Di rigenerazione urbana nel riuso degli spazi pubblici si è discusso con le città di Torino e la città metropolitana di Bologna.


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  • Overdracht van goede praktijken - Waarom niet in mijn stad?

    'Good Practice Transfer - Why not in my City' bevat positieve verhalen van 23 steden die in de eerste ronde van URBACT III Transfer Networks goede stedelijke praktijken hebben overgedragen en aangepast aan hun lokale context en daarbij hebben geleerd van hun collega’s en andere steden in de EU.

    URBACT punt Nederland

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  • Governing commons, is it even possible?

    Creative communities have long been a vital element for city regeneration: groups of people helping to improve urban spaces, buildings, initiatives or services, opening them up for neighbourhood use in order to answer local needs.

    Liat Rogel

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  • Spiaca krásavica sa prebúdza: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Nantes (Francúzsko)

    Nantes prostredníctvom dočasného využitia revitalizovalo mestský priestor a otestovalo budúci rozvoj.
    S pomocou URBACT-u sú teraz občania kreatívne zapojení do formovania tejto budúcnosti.

    Matus Zak

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  • BeePathNet Reloaded

    BEE PATH good practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet-Expanded project will widen the network of “bee-friendly cities” based on BeePathNet project transfer success. It will address urban environmental, biodiversity and food self-sufficiency challenges linked to urban beekeeping through integrated and participative approaches, build key stakeholders’ capacities to influence relevant policies, develop and implement efficient solutions.

  • City video URGE: Munich

    The sixth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • BluAct second wave

    Following the success of the first generation of the Urbact BluAct Transfer Network - in which 6 European cities were supported to transfer a Good Practice in Blue Growth Entrepreneurship from the city of Piraeus between 2018 and 2020 - a further 4 cities have now also been given the opportunity to learn from the Piraeus Good Practice. The new partners in the BluAct Network will benefit from the rich experience of the city of Piraeus and will work alongside a nominated lead expert who led the original Transfer Network. With much of the hard work already done to break down the Good Practice into understandable blocks, it should be easier second time around to apply the URBACT transfer method.

  • Meet the partners: interview with Jānis Ikaunieks

    Brokering between stakeholders

    City of Utrecht

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  • Poznań természetközeli játszóterei

    Richard Louv „Az utolsó gyermek az erdőben" (The Last Child in the Woods) című könyvében a természettel való kapcsolat hiányának következményeit vizsgálja a gyermekeknél. Megállapítja, hogy a városokban élő gyermekek körülményeikből adódóan csak keveset játszhatnak szabadon a természetben, ami rossz hatással van a szellemi fejlődésükre, a koncentrációs képességükre, a mozgáskoordinációjukra és a fizikai állapotukra. A természetközeli játszóterek megoldást kínálnak erre a problémára.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Brno využívá hudbu jako cestu k integraci

    Skupinovou výuku hudby vyzkoušelo Brno na svých základních školách i navzdory covidu. Po vzoru španělského města L’Hospitalet bude svou zkušenost přenášet do dalších měst v Česku i na Slovensku. Projekt OnStage Brno byl vybrán v konkurenci evropských projektů jako příklad dobré a přenositelné praxe.

    Eliska Pilna

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