• Cities are finding innovative ways to help poor neighbourhoods

    Using good practice from their URBACT partners, cities are getting residents involved in regenerating their own neighbourhoods.

    Ivan Tosics

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  • Kultuuripärand kui linnaarengu käivitaja

    URBACTi uus tegevuse kavandamise võrgustik KAIRÓS kutsub linnu üles kultuuripärandiga tegelema, muuhulgas seda säilitama ja paremini oma arengus ära kasutama. Kaasaegses muinsuskaitses on kultuuripärandi väärtustamine ja selle taaskasutamine saanud väga tähtsaks. Pärandi kasutamine  on saanud üha olulisemaks erinevate linnaruumi ja -arenguga seotud probleemide lahendamisel. Pärandiga seotud tegevused võivad puudutada ühte hoonet, monumenti või ka laiemat ideed linna kultuurimaastikust. Eelkirjeldatud suundumused võimaldavad kultuuripärandil linna arengu suunajana tähtsat rolli mängida ning neid suundumusi toetavad ka mitmed teised kaasaegse linnapoliitika trendid, näiteks säästev areng ning kogukondade mõjuvõimu suurenemine. Selles kontekstis on KAIRÓS võrgustiku eesmärk testida integreeritud lähenemisi pärandipõhisele linnaarendusele. Järgnevalt tuuakse mõned näited, kuidas linnad kavatsevad kultuuripärandit oma arendustöösse kaasata.

    Madli-Johanna Maidla

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  • A Nextagri dióhéjban

    A „Milánó Városi Élelmiszerpolitikai Paktum” és a „Megújuló Milánó” (Circular Milan) elnevezésű politikai stratégia keretében az OpenAgri az UIA eredményeképp létrehozott egy olyan innovációs központot, amely a mezőgazdaság nagyobb részére terjed ki, nagy hangsúlyt fektetve a szennyvízágazatra, ami alatt a bármilyen eredetű (városi, ipari vagy mezőgazdasági) szennyvíz kezelését, hasznosítását és újrafelhasználását értjük.

    A NextAgri az a folyamat, amivel a gyakorlat 3 európai városnak átadható: ezek a portugáliai Vila Nova de Gaia, a bulgáriai Sztara Zagora és a hollandiai Almere.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • “Más de la mitad de los ODS depende de la acción de los gobiernos locales y regionales”

    Bajo el lema ‘Compartir conocimiento para mejorar la ciudad’, los próximos días 7 y 8 de septiembre el Punto Nacional URBACT y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid organizamos las jornadas URBACT a escala nacional ‘Transferencias Urbanas’ como parte del periodo de intercambio de resultados y aprendizajes (Time To Share!) de las Redes de Transferencia URBACT (Transfer Networks). Aquí os dejamos una breve entrevista con Emilia Saiz, secretaria general de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU), una de las ponentes que participará en las jornadas.


    Junto a ella participarán representantes de otras entidades para abordar una visión multinivel sobre el Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible, tanto en el plano nacional como a nivel internacional. Además, la jornadas tendrán como objetivo intercambiar conocimiento más allá de los miembros de las redes URBACT, y están abiertas a ciudades vinculadas a a los programas UIA y  EDUSI.


    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • “Desde el MITMA apoyamos iniciativas como el programa URBACT o la iniciativa UIA”

    En esta entrada podéis encontrar una breve entrevista con Sonia Hernández Partal, Sudirectora Adjunta SG de Políticas Urbanas del Ministerio de Transporte, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (MITMA).

    Sonia es una de las ponentes de las jornadas URBACT  "Transferencias Urbanas" que el Punto Nacional URBACT y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid organizamos los próximos días 7 y 8 de septiembre.

    ‘Compartir conocimiento para mejorar la ciudad’ será el lema de este evento a escala nacional forma parte del periodo de intercambio de resultados y aprendizajes (Time To Share!) de las Redes de Transferencia URBACT (Transfer Networks). 

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Öt nagyszerű ötlet a zöldebb városokért

    Ezek a helyi zöld megoldások Európa-szerte számos várost inspirálnak. Vajon az Ön városában is működnének?
    Az új Lipcsei Charta az átalakuló városok három olyan típusára hívja fel a figyelmet, amelyek segíthetik a lakosok életminőségének javítását Európában: ezek az Igazságos Város, a Zöld Város és a Produktív Város.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Sechs Sommer-Podcasts für Stadtbegeisterte

    Ohren auf für die neuesten Infos von URBACT-Expert:innen und Städtevertreter:innen zu Stadtentwicklungsthemen!

    Heike Mages

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  • Nine solutions for more vibrant, productive cities

    These local actions for community participation and productivity are inspiring cities across the EU. Could they work in yours too?

    Amy Labarrière

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  • Case study Copenhagen: Citizen engagement for circular gardens

    In this fourth case study delivered by the URGE network, the city of Copenhagen shares their experiences with citizen engagement in the regeneration of an urban courtyard: 'Urban Garden of the Future', in which they placed focud on circular reuse of soil, concrete, windows, and wood.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Institutionalising volunteering in Pregrada


    Awakening a town’s volunteering potential

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    Pregrada is a small town in north-western Croatia, densely populated but aging. There are many volunteers but not a city wide strategy on volunteering. The URBACT Volunteering Cities Network through the good practice of Athienou-Municipal Council of Volunteers (MCV) gives Pregrada the opportunity to institutionalize and give a frame for actions to volunteering in the city. The result is the adoption of the MCV model through a participatory strategy for addressing social problems.

    Solutions offered by the good practice

    Rich in architectural heritage, and with an important industrial coal plant. In more recent years, the town has seen a declining and ageing population. Even though the number of inhabitants is declining, the area of the Pregrada municipality is still the most densely populated area in the Republic of Croatia. Pregrada has many active volunteers, and close links between relevant boards and the council, but there were no local overarching groups, strategies or action plans for a formalised approach to volunteering. Meanwhile, the town did a lot of different activities with young people, but was looking for ways to encourage them — and local and regional businesses — to do more to help others in the community.

    By creating a Municipal Council of Volunteering, Pregrada is in a better position to create a safer, more inclusive local environment, starting with “the little volunteers in our kindergarten, volunteering clubs in elementary and high school, the Children City Council, the Youth Council, non-institutional support of public services, town’s associations, and the local government.”

    Sustainable and integrated urban approach

    The practice transferred focuses on creating a governance structure to provide a common frame for action at city level. Hence the main aspect of integrated approach is of vertical and horizontal integration among departments in the municipalities, while creating a participatory process including local inhabitants. Building on the Volunteering Cities ULG, an advisory body on questions of social inclusion and solidarity will continue to support Pregrada City Council. Still aiming to involve main stakeholders in the community and local government, the board started nominating members in December 2020.

    Participatory approach

    A new URBACT Local Group (ULG) brought together all stakeholders relevant to volunteering and social support — from the city, civil society, schools and companies — as well as citizens of all ages. This provided strong foundations for building Pregrada’s own ‘Municipal Council of Volunteering’.

    The group helped to formalise existing partnerships, involve more citizens as volunteers and to spark new ideas for common projects and cooperation. Barriers between people and sectors were replaced by a comprehension of common goals to tackle social problems in the community and a better understanding of the contributions that different stakeholders and groups can make.                                               

    “By taking part in Volunteering Cities, the Town of Pregrada heads in the direction of strengthening the participation of its citizens in decision-making processes... strengthening the inter-generational solidarity, involving the youth in creating and executing of local policies, volunteering, and involving local entrepreneurs in finding solutions for social problems in the community,” highlights Marija Marjanović, Project Coordinator.

    What difference has it made

    The biggest contribution of this project is founding the URBACT Local Group (ULG) in the town of Pregrada involving all the important stakeholders in the area. The ULG has contributed to strengthening cultural, social, sports, and educational aspects of life in the local community.

    Transferring the practice

    The experience of Volunteering Cities was not about creating a new concept of volunteering that did not exist at all within the town. Rather, it was a process of awakening, developing and harnessing the energy and disparate activities already within the community to do more and to have more impact. The ULG members grew closer through regular meetings, coordination of local activities and participation in the European-level transnational exchanges. In addition to formal meetings, members kept engaged and motivated thanks to informal coffees and dinners, carrying out project tasks between meetings.

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