• 5 πιλοτικά έργα του μηχανισμού μεταφοράς UIA έτοιμα να απογειωθούν!

    Οι Αστικές Καινοτόμες Δράσεις (Urban Innovative Actions-UIA) και το URBACT ενώνουν τις δυνάμεις τους για την πρακτική εφαρμογή των διδαγμάτων που αντλήθηκαν από τα Δίκτυα Μεταφοράς (Transfer Networks)


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  • Μελέτη του URBACT δείχνει τον τρόπο μεταφοράς μίας καλής αστικής πρακτικής

    H μεταφορά καλής πρακτικής μεταξύ πόλεων των δικτύων URBACT μπορεί να είναι αποτελεσματική. Δείτε τι έχει διδαχθεί το URBACT σχετικά με τα κλειδιά της επιτυχίας.


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  • Αστικά διδάγματα από την πανδημία

    Τι μάθαμε από τον τρόπο που αντιμετωπίσανε τα αστικά κέντρα την πανδημία COVID-19; Στο τέλος του 2020, ήθελα να κάνω έναν απολογισμό…

    Από τον Ivan Tosics, Εμπειρογνώμονα του προγράμματος URBACT σε θέματα αστικής κινητικότητας


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  • Ήρθε η ώρα της διάδοσης!

    Ελάτε μαζί μας για να γνωρίσουμε τις επιτυχίες των

    Δικτύων Μεταφοράς!


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  • Gender gaps in education and labour market outcomes – where do they come from?

    The topic for the March master class session with the network partners was Labour market segregation, and the first speaker joining us was Anna Sjögren who is an economist working at IFAU in Sweden. We began by asking ourselves the question of where do gender gaps come from?


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  • Re-growCity Vox Pops

    We raise our voices...


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  • A HERO'S JOURNEY through the land of dragons

    Nyirbator's Transfer Story


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  • Melgaço’s Transfer Story Report

    1. Planning a long wanted and challenging voyage.
    Understanding the practice
    Melgaço is the most northern municipality of Portugal, bordering on Galicia in Spain.
    It covers a territory of 238 Km2 and has a population of 8,200 of which 3,000 live in the town of Melgaço with the remainder living in 34 surrounding villages.
    Experiencing a long term decline process, founded in economic decline and outmigration and continuous loss of population since the ‘60s (there were 18,000 in 1960), Melgaço also faces a severe condition of aging of those who stay behind.
    Apart from others, one of the consequences of this complex process, results in an oversupply of empty retail premises in the town centre, thus having a major knock-on effect on neighbouring shops and the general economic attractiveness of the town.


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  • Transfer Story Idrija

    Through few chapters we are explaining how we transferred good practice and established our Towns’ living room. And also explaining what were the important steps and learnings from the whole transfer.
    It is a story, so it has to start somewhere. So, we firstly explained how it all started. And it starts like every good story – with a dream and an idea. Good practice offered us a guidance and understanding good practice was important start. But to make the idea come true, you also have to do the work. In the next paragraph we are explaining some of the steps we had to take – our ULG, important stakeholders, securing premises, etc. When you got the information, you needed to understand what our transfer was about, we are giving you an insight in the third paragraph, about how we adapted the practice to local needs.
    Since getting to the point of ‘’full transfer’’ is not an end of the story, we are trying to explain what we think is waiting for us in future and what dangers of sustaining it are.


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  • Transfer Story Manresa

    La Canal

    Executive Summary
    These Transfer Stories explain in 4 chapters how the Stellwerk practice
    arrived at Manresa and how it was transferred and implemented in a
    new NGO platform called La Canal.
    First chapter explains how we understood the practice: initial guidance,
    first implementation design and big questions around some details on
    how to adapt the practice locally. Second chapter explains the practice
    locally, showing first year drifting, development of the ULG and political
    role. Third chapter focuses on how the practice was adapted locally
    combining both Stellwerk and pop-up shops models and the role of the
    ULG coordinator in its implementation. Fourth chapter exposes present
    conclusions and also learnings and key points to keep the NGO platform


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