• The “Green Line” project for a “green” Bistrița city

    Over the last 10 years, congestion in the city of Bistrița has continued to worsen with an increase in the number of cars on the roads and an intensification of road traffic. This has led to the rise in air pollution caused by transport and an overcrowding of parking areas. Nevertheless, urban public transport still has an important role in the development of cities, facilitating the population's access to jobs and services

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Transfer-Netzwerk „Welcoming International Talent“ setzt Groningens gutes Beispiele auf lokale Kontexte um

    Europäische Städte werden immer internationaler und multikultureller. Vielen großen Städten kommt das in Bezug auf fehlende Arbeitskräfte zugute. Klein- und Mittelstädte haben es jedoch nicht einfach Studierende, Akademiker:innen und Wissenschaftler:innen zu gewinnen. Sie stehen auf der einen Seite vor einer wachsenden lokalen Wirtschaft; gleichzeitig müssen sie aber mit  einer alternden Bevölkerung und einer schrumpfendenden Zahl an Arbeitskräften umgehen. Im URBACT Transfer-Netzwerk „Welcoming International Talent“ demonstrierte die niederländische URBACT „Good-Practice-Stadt“ Groningen wie sie es mit ihrer Willkommenspolitik geschafft hat, internationale Studierende und Fachkräfte anzuziehen und dauerhaft an die Stadt zu binden – und vor allem, wie dieser erfolgreiche Ansatz auf die Partnerstädte des Netzwerkes übertragen werden kann. Zum Ende der Projektlaufzeit stellen wir die Ergebnisse der Netzwerkarbeit vor, die auf dem Abschlussevent am 13. April 2021 präsentiert wurden.

    Heike Mages

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  • Η ιστορία του Δήμου Λαρισαίων: το Δίκτυο Μεταφοράς “The Playful Paradigm” προωθεί τη βιωσιμότητα και τη συμμετοχή των πολιτών μέσω του παιχνιδιού

    Από τον Βασίλη Μητσιό, Συντονιστή της Τοπικής Ομάδας Δράσης URBACT και τη Μαρίλια Λέλη-στέλεχος του Δήμου Λαρισαίων


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    The NEXT AGRI UIA - URBACT Transfer Mechanism pilot network builds from the experience of Milan. The city decided to set up an urban coalition with a series of partners to scale up this positioning in the peri-urban agricultural industry, setting up a stable growth and creating new jobs and skills. The project is mainly an urban policy experimentation that follows the place-based approach, focusing on new skills for new jobs in peri-urban agriculture. The project area can be defined as an “urban fringe”, representing the transition zone between the consolidated part of the city and the agricultural lands.This project aims at transfer to other 3 cities the processes and strategies implemented to create a favourable environment to develop new opportunities in the food system transformation in the urban and per urban agriculture sector.


  • USE-IT

    Larger capital projects in poor neighbourhoods often do not lead to an improvement in the socio-economic situation of the local population. The USE-IT UIA - URBACT Transfer Mechanism pilot network shares a tested approach that directly links the realisation of larger capital projects - here construction of a new hospital - with the improvement of the socio-economic situation of the population based on the existing local community skills, talents and ideas.


    The VILAWATT Transfer Mechanism pilot boosts the energy transition process by setting up a public-private-citizen partnership, where citizens and main social actors play a key role. The priority is to increase citizen commitment and sense of belonging to promote a sustainable energy transition process. Main achievements in the Lead Partner city, Viladecans, include citizens got a saying at the Consortium through the associations linked to it, using a participatory strategy, as they did not exist before. When it comes to energy supply, Vilawatt pools the demand for energy and provides energy to all association members (100% Certified Renewable Energy) Faster energy retrofitting of private buildings.

  • Pozitivni učinki pandemije: prihranki ogljika

    URBACT omrežje C-Change je ocenilo svoj prihranek ogljika zaradi nezmožnosti potovanja.


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  • Tackling Gender stereotypes amongst young people

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    Following a seminar hosted by Rumourless Cities, Ad Hoc Expert Haroon Saad  shares some thoughts on gender stereotypes amongst young people

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Campaign tools to tackle discrimination and promote critical thinking in our cities

    [[{"fid":"43384","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":false,"field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":false,"field_author[und][0][value]":""},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":false,"field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":false,"field_author[und][0][value]":""}},"attributes":{"height":1654,"width":1654,"class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]

    Following a seminar hosted by Rumourless Cities, Lead Expert Ruth Essex shares some thoughts on anti-discrimnation campaigning and the importance of critical literacy in our contemporary world

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Carry out a pilot renovation diagnosis to help owners initiate their refurbishment project

    Following the good practice of Chemnitz, the city of Seraing will soon open a housing agency to support owners in their renovation project. Bénédicte Borckmans reports on a pilot study whose results will be very helpful for the work of the future agency. 


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