• Rencontre avec Kathleen Vanhandenhoven et Jean-François Pêcheur, les partenaires belges du réseau BIOCANTEENS !

    Jean-François Pêcheur (JFP) est coordinateur du GAL Pays des Condruses, asbl active dans le développement territorial de sept communes de la Province de Liège. Kathleen Vanhandenhoven (KV) y est responsable de projets en économie. Depuis 2018, le GAL est partenaire du réseau de transfert URBACT « BioCanteens ». Ce réseau, mené par la ville française de Mouans-Sartoux, vise à assurer la distribution de repas scolaires durables dans les villes participantes, en tant que levier essentiel pour le développement d'une approche agroalimentaire locale intégrée, protégeant à la fois la santé des citoyens et l'environnement. Le projet vise à transférer la bonne pratique de Mouans-Sartoux dans le domaine de la restauration scolaire collective à d'autres villes engagées à travers l'Europe.

    Fabian Massart

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    EuroAltea, the European Project Office of Altea, has won the Volunteering Award thanks to its collaborative work in the URBACT: Voluntary Cities project, carried out between EuroAltea-Ayuntamiento de Altea and the local associations, De Amicitia, Corazón Exprés and Cruz Roja en Altea.EuroAltea, the European Project Office of Altea, has won the Volunteering Award thanks to its collaborative work in the URBACT: Voluntary Cities project, carried out between EuroAltea-Ayuntamiento de Altea and the local associations, De Amicitia, Corazón Exprés and Cruz Roja en Altea.


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  • Katowice's Transfer Story: from a toy library idea to a game board space in every home

    Written by Michał Kucharski and Marek Cichoń


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  • L’Italia dei Transfer Network – Commons e usi civici, verso una nuova governance dei beni comuni: le soluzioni di Napoli e delle città di Civic eState

    Il secondo approfondimento del Punto Nazionale URBACT sui risultati dell’azione di trasferimento promossa grazie ai Transfer Network di URBACT. Tappa a Napoli e nelle città europee della rete che ha promosso nuove modalità di gestione dei beni comuni e un dialogo aperto tra alcune delle principali protagoniste del dibattito europeo sul tema, come Amsterdam e Barcellona


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  • Financing the Urban Commons. Part II

    How can urban commons be financed? Civic eState investigates opportunities in EU structural funds and financial investment tools with the European Investment Bank

    Christian Iaione

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  • Public Procurement and Smart Cities - Urban analytics as a development driver

    Considering URBACT III programme, more specifically Making Spend Matter project, the Municipalities that take part of this transfer network and good practices considering public procurement have shared knowledge with each other and have acquired skills in terms of public procurement analysis.

    Alison Taylor

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  • URBACT e-University: knowledge exchange, digital yet entertaining

    The annual URBACT Summer University, an eight-day dynamic event, was carried out online in 2020. Despite the new setting and fast adaptation, the meeting proved successful with over 300 participants. It was a bold exchange of ideas and key takeaways for RiConnect.

    Stela Salinas

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  • Aicinām 8. aprīlī piedalīties Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu URBACT mācību dienā

    Ko pilsētas no Ziemeļvalstīm un Baltijas var mācīties viena no otras par tādām tēmām kā pilsētu pārvaldības stiprināšana, pilsētvides izglītība un iedzīvotāju samazināšanās novēršana?

    Lai atbildētu uz šo jautājumu un sniegtu iespēju apspriest aktuālās pilsētu tēmas, seši Nacionālie URBACT kontaktpunkti no Ziemeļvalstīm un Baltijas valstīm (Dānijas, Zviedrijas, Somijas, Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas) ir apvienojušies, lai organizētu kopīgu mācību dienu par URBACT pārneses tīklu (Transfer Networks - TN) rezultātiem.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • "Udine Play Around", a playmaking project in Udine (Italy)

    by Marco Pollastri and Riccardo Mercuri (Centro Antartide, Bologna, Italy)


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  • Thanks to the Mose, Venice sees a future without flooding, becoming an even more inclusive and accessible city for its residents and tourists

    Venice and the water, an indissoluble bond since the founding of the city 1600 years ago. A link, however, that also because of the sea level rise has provided ground for some extreme high tide phenomena that have caused extensive damage. This is the case of the “Acqua Granda” of 12 November 2019, when the tide reached its second maximum peak ever, 187 centimeters above the tidal zero of Punta della Salute.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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