• Tool


    The iPESTLE  method is a simple tool to help you understand your local conditions and your local stakeholders' and what challenges you may be facing.

  • Tool

    Monitoring & Performance Table

    The Monitoring & Performance Table is a support for reflection for the design of a sound monitoring system in order to follow up on the implementation of an action plan.

  • Harnessing territorial CSR to respond to Covid-19: Milan Experience

    Across EU and the entire globe, the pandemic has been threatening cities and communities, endangering not only public health, but also the economy and the fabric of society. In this difficult scenario, cities have been called to stand more than ever on the frontline of innovative responses to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Mesta mestom: Urejanje šolskih prevozov v Slovenj Gradcu

    Zakon o osnovnih šolah (ZOsn) ureja osnovnošolske prevoze, ki so ob določenih pogojih brezplačni. Zakon določa, da se o izvajanju prevoza osnovna šola dogovori s starši in lokalno skupnostjo, kar pomeni, da je občina zadolžena za izvajanje in financiranje teh prevozov. Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec je leta 2013 uredila področje šolskih prevozov s Pravilnikom o organiziranju šolskih prevozov in povračilu stroškov prevozov, kar je redkost v slovenskem prostoru.


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  • Starting as We Mean to Go On

    A 2-day kick off meeting online provided a strong opening to the Zero Carbon Cities network – giving cities the support they need for developing their roadmap and establishing their local group – and co-creating their training and support needs.

    Adrian Slatcher

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    It has been ascertained through the different urban agriculture initiatives in Europe that urban gardens provide multiple benefits for our cities and their citizens. In the case of Thessaloniki, the COVID – 19 pandemic has fostered the commitment of the City in favouring urban gardens as a means to promote the overall resilience of the City.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Регистрирайте се за семинарите на програма УРБАКТ по време на 18-та Седмица на европейските градове и региони!

    Тази година 18-та Седмица на европейските градове и региони ще се състои онлайн от 5 до 22 октомври 2020 г. В рамките на срещата секретариатът на УРБАКТ и мрежите по програмата ще организират редица сесии. Регистрирайте се сега за тези сесии, за да научите повече за програмата и бъдещата и работа, за социалната жилищна политика, за интеграцията на необлагодотелстваните райони, за обновяването на обществените места и за много други местни политики. Регистрацията приключва на 27 септември 2020 г.


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  • Webinar: Approaching cultural diversity in a digital work environment

    The International Welcome Centre North in Groningen organizes all sorts of webinars for international students and expats living in the city of Groningen. In these times of the corona-crisis, working together via an online environment is even more important. But how should you organize this in an international team?

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • Visita “facilitar”: una guía de URBACT con herramientas para facilitar la colaboración digital

    Echa un vistazo a los consejos y sugerencias de URBACT para la colaboración digital entre ciudades o redes, incluyendo también recursos web. URBACT está prestando apoyo a ciudades para que puedan continuar sus colaboraciones y formas interactivas de trabajo a pesar del repentino cambio al trabajo telemático. El experto en programas Eddy Adams nos habla a través de 'consejos y sugerencias' de un nuevo conjunto de recursos ‘URBACT’ lanzado el 30 de junio.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Pamplona stratégiai alapú és felelős közbeszerzési politikája, amelyre az Európai Bizottság is jó gyakorlatként tekint

    Az Európai Bizottság Kkv-ügyi Végrehajtó Ügynöksége (EASME) nemrégiben publikálta a Társadalmilag felelősségteljes közbeszerzés kialakítása és alkalmazása című útmutatót, mely 71 jó gyakorlatot mutat be, köztük a Pamplonai Városi Tanács társadalmilag felelős közbeszerzési stratégiája elnevezésű esettanulmányt. Ily módon Pamplona felelős közbeszerzési politikája európai szinten is elismert jó gyakorlatként alkalmazható.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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