• Започна електронният университет на Програма УРБАКТ

    Електронният университет на УРБАКТ е най-важното мероприятие по програмата за тази година.


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  • Reģistrējies URBACT rīkotajām sesijām “Eiropas Reģionu un Pilsētas nedēļā”

    Astoņpadsmitā “Eiropas Reģionu un Pilsētu nedēļa” šogad norisināsies tiešsaistē no 5. līdz 22. oktobrim. Reģistrācija līdz 27. septembrim.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • The history and the future of creating public spaces for women

    Women & the city - A historical perspective was the title of a lecture by urban design professional PhD Jaqueline Taylor presented to the GenderedLandscape partners during a series of inspirational digital network sessions in September 2020.


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  • Atenção a todos os decisores urbanos! Sabiam que podem fazer negócios sem dinheiro?

    Todos nós queremos que os serviços urbanos sejam eficientes, que o desenvolvimento seja interessante, que os eventos cívicos sejam animados e que as novas iniciativas urbanas sejam realmente capazes de fazer a diferença! Mas como fazer isto quando muitas cidades europeias - especialmente depois das duras crises da última década - carecem de financiamento, recursos, conhecimento e ligações que possibilitem que o trabalho das administrações seja tão vibrante? Há uma resposta que o pode surpreender. Podemos recorrer às nossas comunidades empresariais, porque existe algo chamado Responsabilidade Social das Empresas (RSE)

    Ana Resende

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  • Positive narratives on integration

    General Presentation of Good Practice Call

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Positive narratives on integration

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    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Jaunās karjeras iespējas “viedajās pilsētās”

    Ar tehnoloģiju attīstību mainās ne tikai mūsu ieradumi, bet arī prasības. Informācijas tehnoloģija ir mainījusi veidu, kā mēs uztveram un mijiedarbojamies ar pilsētvidi. Šodien mums nav līdzi transporta grafika un pat taksometra izsaukšana ir tikai telefona pogas attālumā. Acīmredzamas pārmaiņas arī sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos: tagad var daudz ātrāk samaksāt sodus, atrast nepieciešamo informāciju, saņemt dokumentus vai pierakstīties pie ārsta.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • General impacts of green spaces on physical and mental health (video)

    In early 2014 URBACT launched a suite of pilot transfer networks to explore a new way to support peer-to-peer learning amongst cities. The aim was to test the feasibility of a new type of URBACT network, built around the potential transfer of an established example of effective city practice or policy.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • How to plan healthy cities? (video)

    How to plan healthy cities? What is a healthy city? How does human health relate to planetary health?

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Green spaces and mental health (video)

    URBACT Good Practice Call 5 Dec 2016 - 31 March 2017

    Viktoria Soos

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