• Ένα βήμα προς την σωστή κατεύθυνση βρίσκεται το Μάντσεστερ

    Προκειμένου να επιτύχουν τις φιλοδοξίες τους για μηδενικές εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα μέχρι το 2038 (Zero Carbon 2038), το δημοτικό συμβούλιο του Μάντσεστερ προσπάθησε να μειώσει τις μικρές, περιττές διαδρομές με το αυτοκίνητο, ειδικά στο κέντρο της πόλης. Η καραντίνα (lockdown) βοήθησε για την πεζοδρόμηση τμημάτων του κέντρου της πόλης.


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  • Delivering the URBACT e-University – what could possibly go wrong?

    Sally Kneeshaw shares first experiences from URBACT’s first ever large-scale digital event.

    Sally Kneeshaw

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  • ULG VIEWS, Sandra Figueiredo

    URBACT Local Groups are key in the construction of partner cities’ Educational Innovation Networks (EIN). They represent the different stakeholders that will take part in the future Educational Innovation Networks and they are contributing to lay its foundations.

    What do the ULG members think about the EIN and its future?  Today we start sharing a series of interviews with different points of view and perspectives. Sandra Figuereido, the ULG coordinator from Albergaria transfer city, will be the first to speak.  


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  • Malta comitted to health

    As a non-city partner, the Maltese Planning Authority is representing the Republic of Malta and participating as a Member State of the EU, rather than a city. The Republic of Malta is composed of an archipelago of islands, the three principal ones being Malta, Gozo and Comino. The capital city of the islands, Valletta, is a peninsula at the centre of Malta’s Principal Urban Area as defined in the nation’s highest spatial planning instrument – the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development.

    The Planning Authority will be able to apply the lessons learned from its participation in the network to the urban planning of the entire archipelago.


    Estrada Cristina

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  • Malta comitted to health

    As a non-city partner, the Maltese Planning Authority is representing the Republic of Malta and participating as a Member State of the EU, rather than a city. The Republic of Malta is composed of an archipelago of islands, the three principal ones being Malta, Gozo and Comino. The capital city of the islands, Valletta, is a peninsula at the centre of Malta’s Principal Urban Area as defined in the nation’s highest spatial planning instrument – the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development.

    The Planning Authority will be able to apply the lessons learned from its participation in the network to the urban planning of the entire archipelago.


    Estrada Cristina

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  • URBACT, l’azione delle città italiane nel programma presentata all’Archifest di Colle Val D'Elsa

    Le azioni innovative condotte dalle città italiane di piccole e medie dimensioni coinvolte in URBACT al centro della presentazione che Anci, in qualità di punto nazionale del programma europeo sullo sviluppo urbano sostenibile, svolgerà a Colle Val d’Elsa il 25 settembre nell’ambito del Festival dell’Architettura - Archifest 2050.


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  • Video: Debrecen is Welcoming International Talent

    The Hungarian city Debrecen, partner in the Welcoming International Talent project, is welcoming international talents! Check out the video why they are participating in the WIT project and what they aim to achieve.

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • Introducing URBACT digital buddies

    Transnational meeting in Casoria - November 2016 Social gardening in the Michelangelo Parak guided by Coloco


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  • Még lehet jelentkezni az URBACT workshopjaira a Régiók és Városok Európai Hetén!

    Transnational meeting in Casoria - november 2016 Social garderning in the Michelangelo Park

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Η ιστορία και το μέλλον της δημιουργίας δημόσιων χώρων για τις γυναίκες

    Behind the scenes of an URBACT III network The urban fringe as a sleeping beauty.


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