• Krakow analyzes sustainable tourism policy within its ULG

    On October 6 th, the ULG online meeting in Krakow gathered a large number of participants (52 people) to analyze and discuss the new strategic document of the city entitled "Krakow's sustainable                              tourism policy for 2021-2028".

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • La partecipazione delle città URBACT alla EU Regions Week

    Le città italiane impegnate nei network URBACT sono protagoniste in numerosi eventi organizzati nell’ambito della European Regions of Week, il principale evento promosso dal Comitato Europeo delle Regioni che per la prima volta si sta svolgendo in forma interamente on-line.


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  • Gender equality, climate change and transportation

    What is equality in transport and mobility? According to Christian Dymén, researcher and consultant at Trivector, it is the equal possibility to influence the planning process and the power to choose between different modes of transportation. However, this is not just a question about equality between men and women, if we do not change the current transport behavior, the emissions from the transport sector will continue to damage our environment. So, in addition to the question mentioned: How can mobility become more equal and at the same time, more sustainable?

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Mobility at the margins

    Outside of Europe research confirms that women continue to be one of the most exposed groups in mobility and transport, creating barriers in their everyday life. This can be demonstrated by the example of domestic workers in Bogotá, Medellín and São Paulo presented by Harvard Doctor of Juridical Science, Valentina Montoya Robledo.

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • De bijdrage van URBACT aan het nieuwe Charter van Leipzig

    De resultaten van URBACT City Lab zijn nu beschikbaar in de Knowledge Hub.

    Fabian Massart

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  • La contribution d'URBACT à la nouvelle Charte de Leipzig

    Les résultats du City Lab URBACT sont désormais disponibles dans le Knowledge Hub.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Capizzi (IT): Performing volunteering and solidarity activities in an organised manner. Part 1: The creation of the Municipal Council of Volunteerism

    How the process of transferring a good practice from the Lead partner to the partner cities has triggered an unpredictable multiplier effect, generating a series of best practices that today, thanks to the URBACT methodology, animate the  social fabric of a peripheral mountain town like Capizzi


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  • Gender-related perspectives and attitudes towards transport issues

    Description de poste stagiaire pôle projets

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Mobility on equal terms: the future of mobility?

    In an upcoming series of three articles with the overarching thematic of gender and mobility we will deep-dive in the research focus of the above-mentioned speakers. Stay on the lookout for the articles during the coming days!

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Spend Analysis as a tool for better use of resources in times of crisis.

    At the start of 2020, the finances of many Polish local councils were in a difficult condition due to the need to incur large investment expenditures, because of an underestimation of the costs of the delivery of public services commissioned, such as education, or losses in the revenues of municipalities resulting from central government tax reforms. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated these problems because the method adopted to combat the virus, which consists in the economic lockdown, led to a serious recession.

    The times of crisis force us to look more closely at our spend and internal resources, and to seek ways of increasing their benefits to the economy and society. One such tool is the public spend analysis according to the methodology of the City of Preston, implemented after the global financial crisis. An effective implementation of this good practice requires cooperation between all the parties involved in the process, both procurers and entrepreneurs.

    Alison Taylor

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