• Senioral policy in Dzierżoniów and the goals of sustainable development

    The Sustainable Development Goals have been defined by the United Nations (UN) in the document Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This document lists 17 Sustainable Development Goals and related activities that are planned to be achieved by UN member states. The goals are achieved not only at the government level - the sectors of science, business, non-governmental organizations and ordinary citizens also have a great influence.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • O tom, ako miestne organické farmy zabezpečujú stravu školským jedálňam: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Pays des Condruses (Belgicko)

    Pays des Condruses má vypracovanú stratégiu miestneho rozvoja, súčasťou ktorej je poskytovanie stravy školským jedálňam pochádzajúcej z miestnych zdrojov a poľnohospodárskeho centra Food Hub. Pripojenie k sieti URBACT AGRI-URBAN znamenalo zintenzívnenie aktivít zameraných na miestne, udržateľné poľnohospodárstvo a zdravé stravovanie. Zároveň sa pre daný účel spojili zainteresované subjekty na celom území.

    Matus Zak

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  • URBACT's support for Ukraine

    The United for Ukraine initiative was present at the URBACT City Festival 2022! 

    Karl Murphy

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  • URBACT session at the WUF11

    URBACT beim World Urban Forum 2022 in Kattowitz

    Vom 26. bis 30. Juni 2022 findet zum elften Mal das World Urban Forum (WUF) statt, die wichtigste internationale Konferenz zum Thema nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung, organisiert von UN-HABITAT.

    Lilian Krischer

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  • From Vision to Transformative Actions for the SDGs: co-creation of integrated actions in Manresa

    Around one hour and a half from Barcelona by train, in a hilly area of the Bages county, is Manresa - a small-sized city with around 78 000 inhabitants - one of several partners of similar size in the Global Goals for Cities network. On 21 April, I had the chance to stop by and attend one of Manresa’s URBACT Local Group (ULG) meetings organised by the local coordination team. Here, I share a few highlights of how the ULG and the participatory process is helping to shape the priorities of the Manresa 2030 Agenda and the integrated action plan that is currently in the making.  

    Stina Heikkila

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  • URBACT City Festival 2022

    Atmiņas no #URBACTfest 2022

    Neatkarīgi no tā, vai piedalījāties, sekojāt līdzi tiešsaistē vai vispār palaidāt garām, šeit ir daži svarīgi momenti no 2022. gada #URBACTfest.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Plenary session at the URBACT City Festival 2022

    URBACT City Festival 2022: Mit Volldampf in die neue Förderperiode

    Vom 14. bis 16. Juni 2022 fand in Pantin im Großraum Paris das URBACT City Festival 2022 statt. Mit dabei waren an die 500 Teilnehmer:innen aus ganz Europa, darunter 240 Städte sowie zahlreiche Expert:innen und Interessierte aus der URBACT-Community. Ziel des ersten klimaneutralen Festivals war es, die Erfolge der Netzwerkarbeit in den vergangenen sieben Jahren zu feiern und gleichzeitig die Weichen für die aktuelle Förderperiode zu stellen. Die Veranstaltung bot den Teilnehmer:innen die Möglichkeit, neue Kontakte für künftige Netzwerke zu knüpfen und sich von den vielen Vorträgen und Diskussionen inspirieren zu lassen.

    Lilian Krischer

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  • Área Metropolitana do Porto

    A Área Metropolitana do Porto (AMP) cobre um vasto território com uma população dispersa. Isto oferece uma grande diversidade, resultando numa área de grande beleza, indicada para viver, investir ou fazer turismo. No entanto, também encerra desafios de mobilidade e uma grande dependência do tráfego automóvel, questões que a RiConnect quer ajudar a ultrapassar através de uma melhor integração da mobilidade nas áreas urbanas.

    Maria João Matos

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  • URBACT City Festival 2022 sign

    Jaký byl #URBACTfest 2022?

    Ať už jste se City Festivalu přímo účastnili, sledovali ho online nebo jste letošní ročník vynechali, máme pro Vás výběr top momentů, vzpomínek a dozvuků z #URBACTfest 2022.

    Markéta Horská

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  • City Festival 2022 venue signs

    Αναμνήσεις από το #URBACTfest 2022

    Είτε συμμετείχατε, είτε το παρακολουθήσατε διαδικτυακά, είτε το χάσατε εντελώς, παραθέτουμε μερικές εικόνες που παρουσιάζουν τον παλμό του φετινού #URBACTfest.


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