• Visions from the City Representatives - Željko Burić, Mayor of Šibenik (HR) by lead expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects, requiring significant investment and stakeholder mobilisation. In this endeavour, political backing and direction are key. The KAIRÓS interview series, conducted by the network lead expert Miguel Rivas, targets Mayors and Elected Representatives from the KAIRÓS partner cities.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • SDG Story: Jihlava

    Jihlava vision concept: aim is to be safe, socially cohesive, green and accessible city.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • SDG Story: Bratislava

    Where are we coming from?

    Even though the first mention of Bratislava appears in 907, Bratislava is one of the youngest capitals in Europe (1993).

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • SDG Story: Reggio Emilia

    Where are we coming from? The city profile.

    Reggio Emilia is renowned in educational circles, with the philosophy known as the “Reggio Emilia Approach”; for pre-school and primary school children developed in the city shortly after World War II. At the same time, contemporary art, ancient monuments, and exhibitions such as Fotografia Europea have made the city rich in culture and social change —supported by the business community, services and the university. The city is connected by high-speed train to Milan, Bologna and Florence, and is within 45 minutes’ reach to all those cities. Reggio is the city of relations with Africa, the city of cycle paths and of Parmigiano Reggiano.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • URBACT zeigt Solidarität mit Städten in der Ukraine und ihren Bewohner:innen

    Angesichts der aktuellen Ereignisse drückt der Direktor des URBACT-Sekretariats, Emmanuel Moulin, seine Solidarität mit den Bürger:innen der Ukraine aus.

    Lilian Krischer

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  • #1 Small Scale Action | Nevers, France

    Nevers Agglomération prepared a Small Scale Action, aiming to start using brand new tailor made intuitive analytics dashboards to better manage the Water network and supply within its region. This experiment is seen as one the first stones towards the future bigger IoT platform project that will be the core of Nevers Integrated Action Plan.

    Mariana Salvado

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  • Working together for Ideal Park

    The phrase ‘a choir is made up of many different voices’ has certainly been true in Bordesley Green – and the choir was in full fettle yesterday (Tuesday 8th March)!


    The focus on this attention was the Ideal Park, just off the Bordesley Green Road – a slightly overlooked green space that is extremely important to the local community.  And it was this week, that things are really getting moving!


    James Carless

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  • URBACT en el V Encuentro de la Red de EDUSIs de la provincia de Cádiz

    El quinto encuentro de la Red de EDUSIs de la provincia de Cádiz va a dedicar su programa a las diferentes redes de ciudades que, a nivel nacional e internacional, trabajan para intercambiar experiencias de desarrollo urbano sostenible

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Procurar sociedades justas através do voluntariado!

    As cidades que enfrentam atualmente necessidades sociais multidimensionais emergentes, tais como cuidados de idosos e crianças, isolamento social e depressão, desemprego e pobreza, para apenas mencionar algumas, precisam de desenvolver políticas inovadoras através da criação de processos coletivos de aprendizagem baseados no intercâmbio e na aprendizagem entre pares. Esta é a mudança de política que a rede Volunteering Cities+ está a desenvolver, apoiada pela metodologia URBACT!



    Maria João Matos

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  • Ayuda para Ucrania

    ¿Cómo ayudar desde tu ciudad a los refugiados ucranianos?

    Jon Aguirre Such

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