• Acht inspirerende URBACT ontwikkelingen in 2022

    Komend jaar zal URBACT zich opmaken om weer nieuwe steden te verwelkomen. Wat kunnen we verwachten van het komende jaar?

    URBACT punt Nederland

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  • Food Policies at EU level: sharing experiences and approaches

    The setting up of food policies at European level is a very important process toward the achievement of sustainaibility goals at local and global level. There are some recent and effective experiences that are driving the changes in the food system. Let's see how they works and the cities involved.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Agricultural policy framework in Milan: the AQST example

    The NextAgri project is starting from the Milan experience on UIA "Open Agri" project. Even though there are some important background conditions and frameworks that will help this new project to be innovative and deep rooted in the local context. 

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Stara Zagora: new ideas to improve the local food system

    Stara Zagora Municipality is trying to design new actions in the field of food and agriculture, in order to be more sustainable and to achieve important development goals. In this second next Agri meeting new partners and ideas have been presented and shared experiences and knowledge.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Almere, Flevo Campus and the Next Agri Project

    What happened in the first day of the Next Agri Transnational meeting in Almere? What is Flevo Campus and how it works? See all the presentations and the main ideas that comes from one the city partner of the Next Agri project.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Špansko mesto Manresa svojo strategijo za trajnostni razvoj razvija s participacijo

    Manresa od leta 2018 razvija svojo lokalno Agendo 2030, celostno trajnostno strategijo za odziv na okoljske, družbene in gospodarske izzive tega desetletja. Gre za lokalno različico Agende za trajnostni razvoj do leta 2030, ki so jih sprejeli svetovni voditelji na zgodovinskem vrhu Združenih narodov (ZN) septembra 2015. Njena ključna sestavina je 17 ciljev trajnostnega razvoja.


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  • Goede praktijken voor duurzame schoolmaaltijden in Luik

    In september 2021 is de stad Luik toegetreden tot het overdrachtsnetwerk URBACT BioCanteens #2, dat tot doel heeft de distributie van duurzame schoolmaaltijden te ontwikkelen. Het is de bedoeling deze deelname te gebruiken als hefboom om een voedsel- en landbouwbeleid te consolideren dat rekening houdt met de gezondheid van de burgers en met het milieu.

    Fabian Massart

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  • À Liège, des bonnes pratiques pour des repas scolaires durables

    La Ville de Liège a rejoint en septembre 2021 le réseau de transfert URBACT BioCanteens #2 qui vise à développer la distribution de repas scolaires durables. L’objectif est de se servir de cette participation comme un levier pour consolider des politiques alimentaire et agricole qui prennent soin de la santé des citoyens et de l’environnement.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Focus On: Poznan - how is the city building on its strengths?

    For the second part of our 'focus on' Poznan, we will now look at how the city is building on it's many strengths, with a range of innovative projects. 

    James Carless

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  • Midterm article - ROOF cities ending homelessness from different starting points: how to adopt and adapt known solutions?

    The URBACT ROOF cities, all working towards ending homelessness with housing led/first solutions, all had very different starting points. They are located in specific geographical places with each their own history, present and future implications. They are of different cultures and habits and most of all, their local and national policies as well as their experience on housing first are at very different stages. A year before the end of this collaboration, I am reflecting on the progress done in each city and what is each city taking out of the project and from the testing activated in the last month. I will also look at how the collaboration between the cities has been of huge importance to the progress.

    The URBACT method is based on cities creating networks and peer learning from one another. The network is structured in a way that the cities may bring different points of view and experiences. This process has created two main questions in the ROOF network. One regarding the possibility to advance from different starting points and another related to the adaptations of HF solutions to specific contexts.

    Hannelore Bonami

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