• About the value of public space and the big question on how to best make use of it

    Almost two years ago, a small group of cities decided to improve how they make use of their public space. They teamed up under the umbrella of URBACT calling themselves Space4People. And they were not alone: all over Europe and clearly also beyond, discussions and initiatives intensified on how to change municipalities and cities. On how to create liveable cities, healthy cities, attractive cities, green cities, playful cities. And how coming changes can help to meet one of the largest challenges we have ever met: climate change.

    Claus Kollinger

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  • URBACT võrgustikprojekt “Koostöine ja innovaatiline haridus” Rae vallas

    11.-12. jaanuaril võõrustas Rae vald külalisi URBACT projekti haridusvõrgustikust Tallinnast, Elvast, Kambjast, Kohilast, Sauelt ja Viru-Nigulast.

    Madli-Johanna Maidla

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  • Οκτώ συναρπαστικές εξελίξεις του URBACT για το 2022!

    Καθώς το URBACT ετοιμάζεται να υποδεχτεί περισσότερες, διαφορετικές μικρές και μεγάλες πόλεις, ποιες σημαντικές στιγμές του προγράμματος μπορούμε να περιμένουμε από το 2022;


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  • Looking back on an intense learning phase

    Halfway done in the URBACT GenderedLandscape Action Planning Network, a lot of ground work on the main topic has been done. Despite not being able to see each other in person for eighteen months, states Dr Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse in this Mid-term Article. 

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Heritage-driven urban development and regeneration. The KAIRÓS journey - by Lead Expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage valorisation nurturing urban development

    Two major changes are impacting the heritage field over the past years. The first one is about a change of scale. Today, the spotlight is not so focused on the building and the monumental artefact, but also on the urban fabric and the idea of cultural landscape, which became doctrine in 2011 with the adoption by UNESCO of the recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Vilawatt UTM Learning Webinars - Energy Pooling & Citizen Engagement in energy efficiency projects

    At the last Transnational Meeting 3, Vilawatt-URBACT partner cities had the opportunity to discuss two of the main pillars of the Vilawatt project in depth through two learning webinars:

    Miriam Martín

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  • Opt aspecte interesante URBACT de urmărit în 2022!

    Pe măsură ce URBACT se pregătește să primească mai multe orașe și diverse, la ce momente importante ne putem aștepta în anul următor al programului?

    An Nou Fericit! În timp ce URBACT pornește un alt an pentru a ajuta orașele să construiască răspunsuri participative mai bune la provocările locale, am stat de vorbă cu unii dintre oamenii din spatele inițiativelor cheie ale programului de urmărit în 2022...

    Irina Panait

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  • Конкурс на ЕК за зелени градове

    До края на януари градове с над 50 хил. жители могат да кандидатстват в конкурса на Европейската комисия за "умни и зелени" градове


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  • Local processing with high standards of sustainability: Funky Forest in Szécsény/Hungary

    Agri Kulti has been researching those areas where sustainable, small-scale Hungarian food producers can gain market opportunities for more than a decade. As a result, several farmer’s markets were opened: in Nagymaros in 2011, at Szimpla Kert in 2012 and at Balassagyarmat in Nógrád county in 2014. Continuing this line we started Házikó Catering and a few Farmbistros where in Budapest we exclusively cooked with ingredients coming from small-scale farmers, meaning that the farmers didn’t even have to go to the market that much – they just supplied their products to us.

    Vera Lopes

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  • Acht spannende URBACT-Neuigkeiten für das Jahr 2022!

    Die URBACT-Community wächst und neue Projektaufrufe stehen bevor. Welche Highlights können wir im kommenden Programmjahr erwarten?

    Lilian Krischer

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