8 results

  • Rome / Italy

    Resilient urban and peri-urban agriculture

    A tool for social inclusion and urban regeneration

    Previously transferred See more
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    Urban Agriculture is the center of attention of the National Rural Network Magazine

    The Italian National Rural Network magazine dedicates an entire issue to urban gardens, The silent revolution of the hoe, with an article on the urban garden Parco Ort9 Sergio Albani in Rome which is

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    A Peruvian delegation visits Rome to experience the city’s urban agriculture policies and strategies

    A delegation of Mayors from the Junin district in Peru visited Rome and the Metropolitan area of Rome from 6th to 8th November 2019, meeting with Rome’s ULG members in occasion of the city’s 5th URBAC

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    From Rome to Barranquilla…sharing knowledge on urban agriculture

    An interesting initiative is launched by ANCI Lazio, the Association of the 376 Municipalities of the Lazio Region (Italy), as part of the last IUC (International Urban Cooperation program) Call, to

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    It has been ascertained through the different urban agriculture initiatives in Europe that urban gardens provide multiple benefits for our cities and their citizens. In the case of Thessaloniki, the

  • Food and urban agriculture communities

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    Oosterwold: an example of peri-urban agriculture in the Netherlands

    One of the field visits organized by the Municipality of Almere during the NextAgri meeting was in a stretch of land between Almere and Zeewolde (NL). Oosterwold  is a self-sufficient, green district

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    The Milan urban and peri-urban agriculture

    The NextAgri project has been an opportunity for the city of Milan to map the initiatives of urban agriculture and think how to promote specific actions toward the increase of links with the city food