The iPESTLE  method is a simple tool to help you understand your local conditions and your local stakeholders' and what challenges you may be facing. It is helpful to see the context in which you an your delivery partners are operating. It will also help you to see which options for solutions / methods might be open to you and which will not be.




The letters in iPESTLE stand for seven ‘headings’ to look at when assessing your local context. These are information, Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental.

  • Think about which of these areas causes the Implementation Challenges you face in your city and be specific about which things within each heading have which effects.
  • Also think about the conditions that make things easy – where are the opportunities you could make use of to help your implementation?
  • Think about the areas you do not normally consider – what new insights or opportunities does this give?
  • For the conditions that cause implementation barriers, which of the conditions could you alter and how?


Who is this tool for ?When should the tool be used?
City practitioners and their stakeholders willing to understand their local delivery context to get ready for implementation.Once an action plan has been drafted, getting ready for implementation.