05/06/2019 08/08/2022
This Action Planning Network analyses strategies and projective concepts of cities’ design that could contribute to prevent segregation and anti-social behavior, and consecutively to improve citizen’s quality of life and their perception of urban security and safety. The main objective is to implement an integrated and participatory approach to urban security by involving all relevant stakeholders in the process.

Lead Partner : Leiria - Portugal- Madrid - Spain
- Mechelen - Belgium
- Michalovce - Slovakia
- Longford - Ireland
- Parma - Italy
- Pella - Greece
- Szabolcs - Hungary
- Italy
- September 10-11 : Phase 1 Kick-off Meeting in Paris (FR)
- October 16-17 : Phase 1 Kick-off Meeting in Leiria (PT)
- November 05 : Phase 2 Approval
- February 04-05 : Phase 1 Transnational Meeting in Faenza, Unione della Romagna Faentina (IT), Italy
- June 30 : Phase 2 Activation Meeting
- September 18 : Phase 2 Symbolic Launch of Phase 2
- November 19-20 : Transnational Meeting nº1 (online), Leiria (PT), Portugal
- February : Partnership Meeting with Urban Agenda for UE "Security in Public Spaces" and Transnational Meeting nº2 (online), Mechelen (BE)
- April 21-22 : Transnational Meeting nº3 (online), Madrid (ES)
- May : Partnership Meeting with Urban Agenda for the UE (online) and Transnational Meeting nº4 (online), Longford (IE)
- July 07-08 : Transnational Meeting nº5 (online), Szabolcs 05 Regional Development Association of Municipalities (SZRDA) - Mátészalka (HU)
- October : Webinar - Urban Agenda for the EU "Just City Dimension" (online), Partnership Meeting with IMPETUS project, Intelligent Management of Processes, Ethics and Technology for Urban Safety (Horizon 2020) and Transnational Meeting nº6 + Mid-Term Review (online), Michalovce (SK)
- January 20-21 : Transnational Meeeting nº7 (online), Pella (EL)
- February 1-3 : URBACT e-University 2022 (online)
- March 21 : Partnership Meeting with TONITE project - Urban Inovation Action (online)
- April 20 : URBACT III National Meeting in Coimbra (PT)
- May : Masterclass in CPTED - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Leiria (PT) and Transnational Meeting nº8 in Parma (IT)
- June : UrbSecurity Final Conference in Parma (IT) and Showcase the results of IAP and closing event in Leiria (PT)
- August 18 : Partnership Meeting with IMPETUS project & Community of Safe and Secure Cities(COSSEC) in Oslo, Normay
urbsecurity_iap_report.pdf(PDF, 60Mo)