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  • Space for discussions in Frankfurt meeting

    As the host city Frankfurt welcomed all APN partners for the third Transnational Network Meeting this year, 29 – 30 of March. A network meeting excellent moderated by Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse which gave important space for sharing experiences as well as internal discussions for the final IAP Review.

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Proximity - Vilvoorde's campaign encouraging citizens to act

    Vilvoorde is a front-runner of climate policy in Flanders, but the challenge of working with all local stakeholders is an are thats in need of improving if the municipality wants to reach its high aspirations. As a small city and organization, it is impossible to achieve the climate ambitions without the efforts of citizens, companies and organizations.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • « L’espace citoyens » : a smart collective hub

    The city of Saint Quentin took over citizen participation in 2014.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • « L’espace citoyens » : a smart collective hub

    The city of Saint Quentin took over citizen participation in 2014.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Starting the change with the next generation – sustainable mobility workshops for pupils

    The municipality of Guía de Isora emphasised the improvement of mobility options for children over the last two years. As by its pilot on changing the traffic scheme of an access road to both, a school and the centre of the Guía des Isora nucleus. Improving traffic organisation and infrastructure was the key of this one. Now, Guía de Isora acted on the behaviour side of the story.

    Claus Kollinger

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  • 3.º Encontro Nacional URBACT III – Partilha de experiências em Coimbra

    No passado dia 20 de abril, os parceiros das últimas redes URBACT III encontraram-se em Coimbra para partilharem as suas experiências e darem a conhecer os impactos do programa URBACT nas suas cidades e regiões, num evento promovido pelo Ponto URBACT Nacional, sob a responsabilidade da Direção-Geral do Território, coorganizado com a Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Coimbra.


    Maria João Matos

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