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  • Príbeh energetickej transformácie Bukurešti v rámci EU City Lab podujatí

    Aký druh podpory potrebujú mestá na dosiahnutie energetickej transformácie? V čom spočíva úspech Bukurešti? Zistite to na ďalšom podujatí EU City Lab!

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Final Day Highlights of the BiodiverCity Project Mid-Term Meeting

    The concluding day of the BiodiverCity mid-term meeting saw partners engage in deep discussions, reflections, and planning, solidifying the collaborative journey so far and setting a clear trajectory for the project's future. Here's a detailed summary of the day's activities:

    András Merza

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  • Sharing and strengthening our good practices– summary of our third Quarterly Network Report

    After one year of network activity, through meetings and dedicated workshops, we have explored the management of complexity,
    gentrification, adaptation to climate change, new supply models and the creation of a city centre identity. Governance, integration, decision-making tools, sustainability and inclusion have been transversal drivers of our learning pathway. This quarterly report gives insight into the exchanges taking place on a local level and the best practices of each network partner. 


    Delve into the learnings and exchanges of this quartier summarised below. 

    Read the full report here: https://www.calameo.com/read/00597960952ac86ccde1f 

    Santamaria-Varas Mar

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  • URBAN Newsletter 09+10/2024


    Jesenný URBAN Newsletter je na svete! Predstaví Vám novinky v oblasti mestského rozvoja za mesiac september a október 2024!

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Pašvaldības gatavojas kapacitātes pilnveides projektu iesniegšanai Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas un URBACT programmās!

    No 16. -17. oktobrim, Viedās administrācijas un reģionālās attīstības ministrijas Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas un URBACT programmu Nacionālie kontaktpunkti sadarbībā ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldību organizēja informatīvu tīklošanās pasākumu Rēzeknes pusē, lai iedrošinātu pašvaldības un valstspilsētas iesaistīties Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas un URBACT programmās.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • BiodiverCity Project Mid-Term Meeting Day 2

    The second day of the BiodiverCity project's mid-term meeting unfolded in the vibrant city of Guimarães, Portugal, with a deep dive into innovative examples of cultural and natural heritage promoting urban biodiversity. The day's agenda combined engaging discussions with hands-on exploration, allowing project partners to witness and learn from the city's unique approaches to nature-based solutions (NbS).


    András Merza

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