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  • Igualada: putting URBACT-style methods to the test during a crisis

    When Covid-19 hit the small Catalan city of Igualada, could its experiences in URBACT help it to respond?


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  • Dubrovnik: tourism before and after the COVID 19 outbreak

    Until spring of 2020 and COVID 19 outbreak, City of Dubrovnik was recognized as one of the top Mediterranean destinations, struggling with impacts of rapid tourism growth.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Youth Center Dubrovnik opened the doors of their new and spacious headquarters for the youth of Dubrovnik!

    Just in time for the International Youth Day, on the 12th of August, the Youth Center Dubrovnik opened their new headquarters to everyone interested in their numerous programs and projects such as STEAM workshops, biological research, robot programming, film production, volunteering, career and psychological counseling, sustainable development, etc.


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  • Inscripciones abiertas: Jornada URBACT sobre vivienda promovida por Vilafranca del Penedès

    El próximo 22 de octubre el Punto Nacional URBACT y el Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona) organizamos una jornada en formato virtual dedicada al derecho a la vivienda y políticas de rehabilitación. Este evento se enmarca en las actividades de la Transfer Network ALT/BAU -de la que este municipio barcelonés es socio- y el trabajo conjunto que están desarrollando los programas URBACT y UIA sobre la implementación del derecho a la vivienda en las ciudades.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Elfogadás előtt az új Lipcsei Charta

    Az URBACT Tudásközpont szerte Európából próbálja bevezetni a legújabb városi trendekhez kapcsolódó jó gyakorlatokat, segítve a kihívásokkal küzdő városok munkáját, valamint biztosítva őket arról, hogy a tanulás mindenki számára elérhető.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Mesta mestom: Pešcona v Ljubljani

    Ljubljana je leta 1976 zaprla prve ulice v mestnem jedru za motorni promet, s čimer je nastal prvi zametek pešcone. Prepoved motornega prometa je bila predpogoj za revitalizacijo starega mestnega jedra, Stare Ljubljane, kjer se je v 80. in 90. letih razcvetelo družabno življenje mesta. Leta 2007 se je z namenom dviga kakovosti življenja začel izjemno ambiciozni program prenove ulic, trgov, nabrežij in drugih javnih prostorov v Ljubljani, ki traja še danes.


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