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  • Event

    URBACT IV - ITN Infonap Budapest

    Az URBACT IV innovációtranszfer-hálózatokra (ITN) vonatkozó pályázati felhívása január 10-én nyílik meg. Ebből az alkalomból 2024. január 25-én, csütörtökön 13:00-17:00 között szeretnénk tájékoztatni Önöket arról, hogy a magyar városok hogyan csatlakozhatnak ezekhez a hálózatokhoz. Minden korábbi URBACT partnert és érdeklődőt várunk szeretettel! A programot hibrid módon tervezzük, online bekapcsolódásra is lehetőség lesz! Részletes program a nyílra kattintva elérhető.

  • Female entrepreneurship - a way to development in rural areas

    Within the framework of its participation in the FEMACT-Cities project, the County Administrative Board of Skåne primarily works on how the proportion of female entrepreneurs can be increased and how the amount of venture capital that goes to female entrepreneurs can be higher.


    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • Hannut_Fresque

    De tijd nemen om na te denken met URBACT, de uitdaging voor de gemeente Hannut

    De stad Hannut wil haar burgers een duurzame, harmonieuze en aantrekkelijke leefomgeving bieden en is daarom op verschillende fronten actief, met projecten die milieu-, klimaat-, energie-, sociale cohesie- en mobiliteitskwesties integreren. De stad is met name van plan om een emblematische hybride locatie te creëren bij de ingang van de stad. Voor dit project heeft Hannut besloten de tijd te nemen om na te denken en de URBACT-methodologie te gebruiken.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Hannut_Fresque

    Prendre le temps de la réflexion avec URBACT, le pari de la commune de Hannut

    Souhaitant offrir à ses citoyens un cadre de vie durable, harmonieux et attractif, la ville de Hannut est active sur plusieurs fronts avec des projets intégrants les enjeux environnementaux, climatiques, énergétiques, de cohésion sociale et de mobilité. La Ville envisage notamment la création d’un lieu hybride emblématique en entrée de ville. Pour ce projet, Hannut a décidé de prendre le temps de la réflexion et de s’équiper de la méthodologie URBACT.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Dabie Depot

    Let’s revitalise forgotten urban spaces for green cities, together!

    Luc Schuiten, Belgian architect, envisages that in 2100 “sustainable development will have become a pleonasm”, and as such, future cities will see new living and working habits, mobility and organisation of human relations and interfaces. Local authorities will play a role in this transformative change, notably by working on infrastructure: abandoned buildings and spaces returning to green spaces, becoming part of the urban net, enabling a pedestrian connexion and infrastructure from one neighbourhood to the other. Notwithstanding the climate benefit of such measures, streets and parks will become places for playful, physical, and artistic activities. Public spaces will become a place for creativity, learning and exchange.

    Laeken 1800- 2200, La Cité végétale, Luc Schuiten

    Laeken 1800- 2200, La Cité végétale, Luc Schuiten


    Aligned with this approach, the URBACT GreenPlace network has decided to act to address the issue of unused, abandoned and forgotten places with green revitalisation and regeneration, involving the local community.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Борба за чист въздух

    Джон Хенли, Стивън Бърген, Лиза О'Карол



    Повечето европейски градове не са били предназначени за автомобили от самото начало. Техните улици някога са били място за множество разнообразни човешки дейности: работа, търговия, общуване, игри. Придвижването от А до Б, другояче освен пеша, не е било предвидено.

    Пристигането на автомобила в огромни количества по европейските пътища слога край на това през 50-те години на миналия век. Улиците вече са предназначени за трафик, който трябва да достигне целта си възможно най-бързо... и да има къде да паркира, щом се пристигне. Градовете се променят радикално. Наричат го модерно развитие.

    Отпорът му вече е в ход, воден от належащата необходимост да се намали замърсяването на въздуха и последиците от кризата в климата, както и от желанието градовете да се възвърнат като приятни места за живеене. Повечето големи европейски градове вече имат въведени схеми за намаляване на трафика по пътищата.


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