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Breaking Isolation ready for testing
By Lead Expert, Christophe Gouache
Within the Breaking Isolation action-planning network, it has been agreed that the ideation and testing action phases will be regarded as key and crucial phases to invest in.
Christophe Gouache, public policy designer and Lead Expert of the Urbact program, shareshisexperiencewithin the Breaking Isolation network and the initiatives led by its participants.
Agen, leader of the Urbact program “Breaking Isolation,” is currently in the phase of identifying and selecting pilot projects to implement in the fight against social isolation.
First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024
This 5th Transnational Meeting is a testament to the vitality of our network, with the participation of our 10 partners who were present for this meeting. They reaffirmed their commitment and demonstrated a high level of involvement by collaborating in unison to reflect on and select the experiments to be deployed at the local level.