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  • Local food in urban forks

    Agri-food production can help with social inclusion says Miguel Sousa the Agri-Urban Lead Expert following the workshop held during URBACT City Festival in Lisbon in September 2018.

    Agri-food production is key for cities.

    Miguel Sousa

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  • A kind of knowledge comes around here, making the community become more

    Julianna Libárdi has got into the world of Budapest100(BP100) Weekend of Open Houses as a volunteer. It has enchanted her so much, that she has been working on the programme as a project leader already for 4 years. She thinks that Budapest100 is not only highlighting the values of the built environment but also one of the newest instruments of community building, which proved to be very effective mainly in urban environment.


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  • Cultural Events in Magdeburg (GER)

    Cultural events for Welcoming International Talents? Magdeburg organizes it! In the upcomming months, The Otto von Guericke University, together with cultural centres and the Spanish Department facilitates three interesting events for internationals living in Magdeburg. Save the date and come join us!

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • Aveiro: professionalising & supporting school teams

    In Aveiro (PT), a close collaboration with teachers and schools provided new insights into detecting and tackling early leaving from education and training (ELET).

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Ampelokipi-Menemeni: reaching out to vulnerable groups

    Ampelokipi-Menemeni, a municipality of Thessaloniki (GR), has focused on working with a specific community as part of the Stay Tuned project – the Roma community

    Matthias Peynshaert

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  • Tackling Implementation Challenges in small cities with 'Case Examples'

    ➔ Summary

    The INT-HERIT Implementation Network is now identifying and collecting data about
    the way small cities are tackling implementation challenges on their cultural heritage projects.
    New smart, low cost initiatives are being implemented to overcome the traditional lack of
    resources by adopting an integrative and participative approach towards stakeholders and
    increase the value created for citizens through heritage conservation projects. This article
    provides a preliminary insight on some of the initiatives currently taking place in the
    participating cities in order to contribute for a knowledge base of solutions that will be
    hopefully useful for many small cities across Europe.

    Antonio Zafra

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