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  • Fedezze fel a legújabb 116 URBACT Jó Gyakorlatot!

    Az URBACT Monitoring Bizottságának 2024. október 29-i döntése alapján 116 városi gyakorlat kapta meg az URBACT Jó Gyakorlat (Good Practice) címkét. 

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • URBACT City Festival 2025

    Az URBACT City Festival-ok a városok és a települési közösségeket alakító gyakorlatok ünnepe. Ez az URBACT kiemelt rendezvény több száz elkötelezett települési szakembert gyűjt össze Európa-szerte, hogy megosszák egymással tudásukat, megismerjék az új trendeket, kapcsolatot építsenek ki, és kreatívan egyesítsék erőiket, hogy hogyan tehetik jobbá településeiket.

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • Национална работилница по Програма УРБАКТ

    В периода 18-20.11.2024г. община Казанлък бе домакин на Националната работилница по програма УРБАКТ. 


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  • Investment Attraction - Tiago Ferreira

    The Power of Investment in Small Cities: Keeping Residents and Attracting New Talent

    Small cities across Europe are at a crossroads. Many are seeing young people leave for larger urban centers, chasing better job opportunities and lifestyles. This phenomenon, known as urban shrinkage, threatens the vitality of these communities. Investments create new job opportunities, support local businesses, and improve the quality of life. When people see their city as a place with potential, they’re more likely to stay and others are more likely to move in. Attracting investments into small cities is a huge challenge. How to attract investors? Where to find them? What should we offer? How to distinct good investments from the bad ones. And what does it even mean? 

    Krešimir Grubić

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  • Municipality of Vratsa organized the third ULG meeting under the "BiodiverCity" project

    On 11.11.2024, the third meeting of the URBACT local group was held in the Municipality of Vratsa within "BiodiverCity: Communitybased approaches to foster urban biodiversity" project. The purpose of the meeting was the joint planning of the upcoming activities that should be implemented on local level within the project. Some of these activities include the organization of URBACT festival, as well as small-scale pilot actions, such as afforestation in the neighborhoods of the city of Vratsa and the planting of a forest using the Miyawaki method.

    András Merza

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  • Participants in URBACT Campus Germany, Leipzig

    URBACT Campus Deutschland: Auf dem Weg zur Umsetzung der Integrierten Handlungskonzepte

    Wo stehen die aktuellen URBACT-Städte der Aktionaplanungsnetzwerke mit ihren Integrierten Handlungskonzepten (Integrated Action Plan, IAP)? Wie können sie ihre Maßnahmen weiter ausdefinieren und verfeinern? Und schließlich: Wie können sie den Integrated Action Plan umsetzen, finanzieren und dabei alle relevanten Akteure einbeziehen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigten wir uns beim Nationalen URBACT Campus vom 14. bis zum 15. November 2024 in Leipzig. 

    Heike Mages

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