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  • Audience during Info Day 2023

    Save the date! Ireland's Info Day on the Innovation Transfer Network call in Dublin on January 25th, 2024.

    Karl Murphy

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  • Preparándonos para las Redes de Transferencia de Innovación (ITN)

    Del 10 de enero al 20 de marzo de 2024, URBACT lanza la convocatoria Innovation Transfer Networks (ITN). El objetivo de estas redes es transferir proyectos financiados en el marco de Acciones Innovadoras Urbanas (UIA) a otras ciudades de la Unión Europea, Albania, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia del Norte y Serbia.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Viladecans EU City Lab - site visit

    URBACT takes stock of 2023

    For URBACT, this has been a year of new beginnings with new networks, people, partnerships and landmark events!  


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  • Remote-IT: exploring remote work preparedness of cities

    Anamaria Vrabie

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  • Regeneration with an impact

    Regeneration with an impact: 10 european cities putting Social Impact at the core of Urban Regeneration.

    Liat Rogel

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  • Yellow LEGO man in the role of an hiker, with a map and a compass

    Urban Mobility Paradigms: navigating inclusivity and sustainability in the S.M.ALL project

    In the city of Ferrara, which leads the S.M.ALL project, the first transnational “ready for action” meeting took place on December 6th, 2023. This meeting concluded the city visits and marked the beginning of the next planning phase. At this point in the journey, the first considerations about the potential of this network can be formulated.


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