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  • Event
    HR version URBACT with U

    URBACT IV Infodan za domaće prijavitelje na 1. poziv gradovima

    Predstavljanje počinje u 11 sati i održat će se putem interneta na Google Meet kanalu. Predviđeno trajanje je 2 sata s uključenim dijelom za pitanja publike. Sudjelovanje na događaju je slobodno uz prethodnu prijavu putem registracijskog obrasca.

    Okvirni program:

    11.00 – 11. 10 Uvod u Infodan

    11:10 – 11.25 Što donosi URBACT IV?

    11:25 – 12:00 Poziv za stvaranje mreža za planiranje (APN)

    12:00 – 12:10 Što smo naučili iz URBACT III?

  • The NextAgri final event

    The final event of the NextAgri project took place in Milan with almost 70 participants that come from different sectors in the filed of urban and periurban agriculture.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • The Milan urban and peri-urban agriculture

    The NextAgri project has been an opportunity for the city of Milan to map the initiatives of urban agriculture and think how to promote specific actions toward the increase of links with the city food system.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Final Investment plans

    The NextAgri project gave the opportunity to work with local stakeholders through the ULG group and identify the most important goals to achieve in order to create a local investment plan dedicated to urban agriculture.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Final video of the NextAgri project

    The NextAgri project has been a great opportunity for all partners to meet in different cities and share the initiatives related to urban and periurban agriculture.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Food System transformation and the role of food policies

    During the NextAgri project, the topic of creation of food policies was one of the core issues. Having a Food Policy formally approved means starting and taking care of a mature institutional path, which is the necessary condition to ensure a lasting impact.

    Cristina Sossan

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