What's new

Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • The Digi-Inclusion Network Journal is now live!

    Watch our Lead Expert Ian Graham introducing this first instalment of the new Video Journal, which you can keep watching as we update it with insights and ideas and examples from the network and project partners over the next 18 months.



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  • Sieť GreenPlace: oživenie zelených miest pre ľudí a s ľuďmi


    Pokiaľ ide o opätovné využitie mestských priestorov, sieť pre akčné plánovanie „GreenPlace“ chce predovšetkým počuť názory miestnych obyvateľov.

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Event
    Luftaufnahme des Spinelli-Quartiers in Mannheim.

    Klimaneutrale Städte gemeinsam gestalten

    Wie profitieren Kommunen beim Klimaschutz und -anpassung von der europäischen Zusammenarbeit? Dies zeigen bei der Arena europäische Beispiele aus der Praxis auf. URBACT und die Europäische Stadtinitiative (European Urban Initiative, EUI) erläutern, warum Europa starke Städte braucht und umgekehrt. Eine Exkursion ins Spinelli-Quartier bietet Einblicke in Mannheims EU-Praxis. Melden Sie sich bis zum 3. September 2024 für die Veranstaltung an!

    Lilian Krischer
  • Destaque para a rede GreenPlace: revitalizar as cidades verdes para as pessoas e com as pessoas

    Quando se trata de reutilizar espaços urbanos, a Rede de Planeamento de Ação GreenPlace quer ouvir os residentes locais.

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • S.M.ALL 1st Core meeting in Ferrara - how it was


    The URBACT S.M.ALL APN 1st Transnational Meeting “Ready For Action” was held in Ferrara on December 6-7th, 2023, and allowed the Partner Cities to get to know each other in person and discuss the paradigm of Sustainable Mobility for ALL.


    Erica Bisetto

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  • Event

    S.M.ALL 4th Transnational meeting in Sofia

    The 4th Transnational Meeting of the S.M.ALL APN will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, and will dive the Partner Cities in the design of their Action Plans.

    Erica Bisetto