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  • AS TRANSFER office stock image

    Facilitating partnership brokering in an Industry 4.0

    An article by AS TRANSFER Ad-hoc Expert, Alison Patridge.


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  • URBACT on the road for 2022

    Sešas svarīgas lietas par URBACT IV

    Uzziniet, ko var sagaidīt no nākamās URBACT programmas, kas sāksies jau drīzumā!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • URBACT on the road for 2022

    Șase lucruri pe care trebuie să le știți despre URBACT IV

    Aflați mai multe despre Programul de Cooperare URBACT IV, care va demara la sfârșitul acestui an.

    Mihaela Florea

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  • Insights from REGGIO EMILIA

    The city of Reggio Emilia (Italy) was the co-host of the 7th Transnational Meeting, which was held between 23-25 May 2022 in Sweden, along with the cities of Gävle (Sweden) and Dzierżoniów (Poland).

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Reumanizarea orașelor: noi abordări ale mobilității urbane și ale spațiului public

    Cum reconstruiesc orașele străzile pentru oameni, nu pentru mașini? Răspunsuri în cel mai recent webinar URBACT Walk and Roll Cities...

    Ivan Tosics

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  • URBACT City Festival 2022

    Spremljajte predstavitev novega programa URBACT po spletu

    V Parizu bo med 14. in 16. junijem potekal URBACT festival mest. To bo trenutek, ko se bodo URBACT in njegovi partnerji ponovno srečali v živo po dveh letih  omejitev zaradi pandemije. Prizadevanja za izmenjavo izkušenj in praks med mesti se s spleta selijo na srečanja v živo!


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