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  • Midway to Impact: Residents of the Future Cities Unite for Action-Oriented Solutions

    From October 8–10, the picturesque city of Mangualde in Portugal played host to the Residents of the Future transnational meeting, bringing together partner cities dedicated to tackle negative demographic trends. Nestled in the heart of Portugal’s renowned wine region, Mangualde is celebrated for its world-famous wine production and unique domestic cuisine, which delighted participants throughout the conference. The scenic backdrop and rich cultural offerings provided an inspiring setting for three days of collaboration, learning, and camaraderie.

    Krešimir Grubić

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  • small czech town AI

    Jsou malá města nejlepším místem pro život?

    Jestli je něco charakteristické pro Českou republiku, tak je to velký počet měst a obcí. V kontextu Evropské unie máme měst v přepočtu na obyvatele dokonce nejvíce a jedná se především malá a středně velká města. Jak se ale v těchto malých a středně velkých městech žije jejich obyvatelům? Data ukazují, že lépe, než bychom očekávali.

    Markéta Horská

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  • Hackathon - The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge

    Hackathon - The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge


    The EcoCore Project lead partner Balbriggan, Ireland successfully ran a hackathon challenge, The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge, last Friday in the Lark Theatre, Balbriggan.

    The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge allowed like-minded individuals passionate about sustainability, the green economy with a passion for the Circular Economy to contribute to the EcoCore Project and develop a greener future for the citizens of Balbriggan. The Challenge afforded a unique opportunity for individuals/teams to innovate, co-create and network, using their unique skills to develop ideas around the green and circular economy, with a prize fund available to further develop and implement the successful ideas. 

    Gavin Cusack

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  • Policy Paper LET'S GO CIRCULAR! cover

    Policy paper: cities for a stronger circular economy

    The Action Planning Netwok LET'S GO CIRCULAR! is calling for more support from the European Union (EU) in establishing local circular economies. The partner cities and assigned URBACT Lead Expert Eleni Feleki  have formulated their concerns in a position paper. They are now inviting other cities to support the paper.

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • Event
    Wandelende mensen op een brug

    Europadag Green & Digital

    Tijdens Europadag bespreken we de nieuwe Europese Commissie en de toekomstige stedelijke agenda. We presenteren innovatieve aanpakken van Nederlandse steden en kennisinstellingen en laten zien hoe zij samenwerken met partners in Nederland en Europa.

    URBACT punt Ne…
  • registration

    Registreerimine URBACT Linnafestivalile on avatud!

    URBACT Linnafestival toimub 8.-10. aprillil 2025 Wrocławi linnas, Poolas.  Linnafestivali teemaks Heade Linnapoliitiliste Praktikate (Good Practice) tutvustamine, samuti avatakse URBACT Ülekandevõrgustike kutse (Transfer Network Call), milles häid praktikaid teistele linnadele kohandatakse. 


    Registreerimine on avatud! https://urbact.eu/city-festival-2025


    Tutvu kõigi auhinnatud URBACT heade praktikatega siin. Uuendatud URBACT  heade praktikate andmebaas avaldatakse 2025. aasta alguses! 


    Liitu ka URBACT ja URBACT Eesti uudiskirjaga




    Annika Vaiko

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