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  • The Municipality of Vratsa organized the second meeting of ULG under the "BiodiverCity" project

    On 09.08.2024, the second meeting of the local group URBACT is being held in the Municipality of Vratsa within the framework of the project "BiodiverCity: Measuring Urban Biodiversity and Accounting for Ecosystem Services for Verification, Design and Engineering of Nature-Based Solutions". The meeting is connected with the preparation of the Urbakt festival, which is going to be organized by the Municipality of Vratsa and is part of the project. The meeting was attended by representatives of the interested parties from REWI, CCI Vratsa, Youth Center and experts from the Municipality of Vratsa.




    András Merza

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  • Discover the latest 116 URBACT Good Practices!

    116 urban practices have been awarded the URBACT Good Practice label following the decision of URBACT’s Monitoring Committee on 29 October 2024. 


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    Ühise avaliku ruumi taaselustamine

    URBACT osales Euroopa Mobiilsusnädalal, jagades teadmisi, kuidas saab mobiilsuse kaudu luua „linnu kõigi jaoks“.

    Annika Vaiko

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  • Alăturați-vă nouă la Laboratorul orașului UE privind finanțarea tranziției energetice nr. 2 de către URBACT și Inițiativa Urbană Europeană!

    Pievienojies m[u]ms URBACT un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas ES Pilsētu Laboratorijai par enerģijas pārejas finansēšanu!

    ES Pilsētu Laboratorija par enerģijas pāreju ir zināšanu apmaiņas pasākums, ko kopīgi organizē URBACT un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīva, un to atbalsta Bukarestes (Rumānijas) pašvaldības 6. apgabals. Tā norisināsies 2024. gada 20.-21. novembrī. Pievienojies mums Bukarestē, lai uzzinātu, kā izmantot finansējuma iespēju enerģētikas pārejai pilsētās un veicināt ilgtspējīgāku pilsētu praksi!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • EU City Lab auf Tour: Energiewende in Bukarest

    Welche Art von Unterstützung brauchen Städte, um die Energiewende zu schaffen? Wie lautet die Erfolgsgeschichte von Bukarest? Finden Sie es beim nächsten EU City Lab heraus!

    Martina Bach

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  • The Sarajevo Process and nature-based tourism: new ways to engage people to value nature-based solutions

    Our connection to nature, deeply rooted in cultural values, attitudes, and norms, plays a key role when we intend to increase the size and quality of urban green spaces and plan nature-based solutions (in our cities and beyond). The BiodiverCity partnership went to Sarajevo to learn about new methods to engage residents, enabling them to understand and plan nature-based solutions. Read the full case study by clicking on the link below!




    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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