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  • When European citizens’s expectations about energy transition are gathered in a planet…

    In line with the DNA of the Urb-En Pact network, participatory approaches are encouraged. The network launched a survey for the citizens to identify their expectations towards public authorities about energy transition. Back to the implementations and the results of such an initiative...

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    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • #Bratislava4CSR: improving urban life through CSR activities

    Bratislava, CITIES4CSR Project Partner, is the capital and simultaneously the entry gate into the Slovak Republic. The beauty on Danube, as called within living memory, with almost 460 000 inhabitants is the smallest metropolis of Europe. It is the only national capital city that borders two States: Austria and Hungary. Bratislava is the political, cultural, and economical centre of Slovakia.

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Halfway on the Journey of Exploring Social Impact Bonds

    'Are Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) going to be the new secret tool for providing adequate public services?' - asked eight European cities themselves in May 2020. Then they set out together on a journey to explore how SIBs can contribute to more efficient public services. Their joint trip promised to be a rough one from the start, which became even so due to Covid-19. The pandemic meant that the face-to-face meetings, which provided the basis for knowledge transfer and experience sharing, could only occur somewhere far in the unknown future. But the difficulties also brought new opportunities: the masterclasses enabled experts with extensive practical experience to join the cities in their collaborative work through online meetings. As a result, Aarhus (Denmark), Baia Mare (Romania), Fundão (Portugal), Heerlen (the Netherlands), Kecskemét (Hungary), Pordenone (Italy), Võru (Estonia) and Zaragoza (Spain) now have a solid knowledge base in the field of social impact bonds.

    Zsolt Séra

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  • Az URBACT üzenete Ukrajna városainak és lakosainak támogatására

    Az aktuális események fényében Emmanuel Moulin, az URBACT titkárságának igazgatója szolidaritását fejezi ki az ukrán polgárokkal. 


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • A Vilawatt-UTM projekt a nagykanizsai városi energiaátállás tapasztalatainak megosztásával kezdi az adaptációs időszakot

    A harmadik transznacionális találkozó (TM3 - november 16-18.) ismét összehozta a Vilawatt UIA-URBACT Transzfermechanizmus (Vilawatt-UTM) projekt partnervárosait, hogy online kezdődjön meg a második transzferidőszak, az úgynevezett adaptációs időszak.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Why Santa Maria Da Feira took part to Active Citizens Network ?

    It was in February 2019 that Santa Maria da Feira participated for the first time in an Open Day organized by the national point URBACT, which allowed to know and deepen the objectives of this European program and to initiate contacts for the integration of a local project in the area of ​​participatory democracy.


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