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  • »Poletna ulica« Turku – poskusna ureditev javnega prostora v mestnem središču

    Turku je s 193.200 prebivalci tretje največje mesto na Finskem. Nahaja se ob Baltskem morju in je dobro povezan z okoliškimi državami v baltski regiji.


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  • 9e Sommet Européen des Régions et des Villes aura lieu

    ​Le Sommet européen des régions et des villes est un rassemblement d'élus locaux organisé chaque mi-mandat par le Comité européen des régions pour débattre des défis à venir de l'UE.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Lo spirito etrusco come elemento di unicità per il rilancio urbano: l’azione di Perugia in Find Your Greatness

    Il Focus del National Point italiano sull’esperienza condotta da Perugia nell’ambito dell’Action Planning Network URBACT Find your Greatness, guidato da Alba Iulia e dedicato ai temi del branding e del marketing territoriale. L’azione di rete come punto di partenza per un ripensamento dell’identità locale per il rilancio del turismo ma anche come elemento di collegamento con i grandi investimenti per la riqualificazione del territorio: dall’esperienza di Perugia elementi utili per le città italiane che lavorano sulla pianificazione integrata per rilanciare pezzi di città per abitanti storici e temporanei.


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  • Regolamenti green e peer review road map di Mantova. A Ferrara l’incontro del Transfer Network

    Le città italiane della rete Urbact sono impegnate nel trasferimento della buona pratica di Mantova che punta i riflettori sulla connessione tra cultura, ambiente e sostenibilità per il contrasto ai cambiamenti climatici. In occasione del quarto incontro in presenza, che si è svolto a Ferrara il 17 e il 18 febbraio, i partecipanti hanno illustrato la loro transfer road map: ovvero quali sono le azioni che stanno mettendo in campo per realizzare l’esperienza di Mantova.


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  • Biodiversity in cities depends on pollinators as much as on responsible residents

    Without bees 75% of our food plants would not yield any fruits at all, there would be a major economy loss in crop production, wildflowers would not ripen seeds and biodiversity would drastically decrease. Numerous great initiatives started lately to protect bees and their pollinator counterparts – they deserve our support as they also help us.

    To support cities administration initiative on biodiversity preservation and to show them diverse good practices on how to involve their citizens, institutions and economy to play active role in it BeePathNet cities developed Guidelines – The evolution steps toward a Bee friendly city supported with good practices.


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  • Focus on Poznan (PL): Our respons to the housing needs of the underprivileged

    In Poznan, the department in charge of the realization of housing policy pursued by the Mayor and City Council is the Office of Housing Affairs. The Office's responsibilities include, among others, developing solutions, projects and programs to meet the housing needs of Poznan society. Moreover, the Office co-creates the rent policy in the city's housing resources and provides the Mayor with knowledge on the housing needs of Poznan inhabitants as well as ways of satisfying them.

    As part of the City of Poznan's housing policy, housing projects are implemented to suit various needs so that each person in need of housing support can find something for themselves.

    Hannelore Bonami

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