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  • The road to COP26: climate change at the heart of URBACT cities of all sizes

    Towns and cities must boost local actions to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Three URBACT cities show how…

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • EURegionsWeek! Η Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα των Περιφερειών και των Πόλεων ξεκινά! Εγγραφείτε στα εργαστήρια!

    Η 19η Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα των Περιφερειών και των Πόλεων θα πραγματοποιηθεί διαδικτυακά από τις 11 έως τις 14 Οκτωβρίου 2021.


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  • Участвайте във форумите на УРБАКТ в рамките на 19-та Среща на европейските градове и региони

    Интересните форуми на УРБАКТ в рамките на 19-та Среща на европейските градове и региони в периода 11-14 октомври 2021 г.


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  • URBACT gradovi udružuju snage u potrazi za globalnom održivošću

    Nova URBACT mreža želi biti predvodnik u ostvarivanju ciljeva održivog razvoja UN-a u gradovima. Saznajte zašto je to važno.


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  • AS TRANSFER introductory article

    Boosting the competitiveness: lessons from Bilbao's manufacturing industries

    An article by the AS TRANSFER Lead Expert, Willem van Winden.


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  • "Boosting the competitiveness of manufacturing industries: what other cities can learn from Bilbao" by Willem van Winden -URBACT Lead Expert-

    Manufacturing industries are still the beating heart of many European industrial city regions. But global competition is tough, and traditional business practices are under fire, challenged by digitalization. How can cities best deal with the challenges of the quite disruptive “Industry 4.0” era? Bilbao provides a good example: In its AS-FABRIK project, it developed a comprehensive concept that offers new training schemes, partnership&alliance formation, actions to speed up digitalization, and boosting innovative startups.  Now, other cities with an industrial heritage want to learn how Bilbao did it: Bielsko Biala, Tartu and Timisoara joined Bilbao in the AS-TRANSFER exchange project.

    Ekain Laka

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