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  • Experimenting with public space in the inner city – the Summer Street in Turku

    Turku is home to 193,200 inhabitants and is Finland’s third largest city. It is located at the Baltic Sea and is well connected in the Baltic regions to the surrounding countries. Its inner city got rebuilt after the Great Fire of Turku in 1827 and is today structured in rectangular blocks with wide avenues as the central access routes. Central elements of the city centre are the river Aura running at the southern edge and seven hills, both forming the centre’s topography. Historically, green spaces have been concentrated on the hills resulting steep green parks and less green structures in the more level parts of the inner city. Public space alongside the river Aura got revamped to a kilometres long stretch of high quality pubic space including a national park in the last decades.

    Turku works on further improving its city centre to an attractive location for living, working, shopping and leisure. One question is how to deal with the streetscape in the centre which it today holding sufficient space for pedestrians, but concentrates providing space for cars and other motorised vehicles. Turku used the opportunity Space4People holds to experiment with a different set of street use showcasing to residents, shopkeepers, gastronomy and visitors how their streets could look like.

    Claus Kollinger

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  • Ako sa vízia zmenila na pulzujúce centrum: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Hangelo (Holandsko)

    Vsnahe udržať si tempo s okolitými mestami sa Hengelo zapojilo do siete URBACT RetaiLink, čo posilnilo spoluprácu miestnych obyvateľov a firiem pri vytváraní jasného, integrovaného plánu. Cieľom bolo vytvoriť v centre mesta kvalitnú maloobchodnú sieť, a tým pritiahnuť dostatok zákazníkov.

    Matus Zak

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  • Rethinking Milan’s approach to food waste

    While designing its policy, the city of Milan has set up a comprehensive approach to reduce food waste while achieving multiple co-benefits. This article deepen the issue of food waste al local level analysing actors and practices.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Food Policies at EU level: sharing experiences and approaches

    The setting up of food policies at European level is a very important process toward the achievement of sustainaibility goals at local and global level. There are some recent and effective experiences that are driving the changes in the food system. Let's see how they works and the cities involved.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Acht inspirerende URBACT ontwikkelingen in 2022

    Komend jaar zal URBACT zich opmaken om weer nieuwe steden te verwelkomen. Wat kunnen we verwachten van het komende jaar?

    URBACT punt Nederland

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  • Food Policies at EU level: sharing experiences and approaches

    The setting up of food policies at European level is a very important process toward the achievement of sustainaibility goals at local and global level. There are some recent and effective experiences that are driving the changes in the food system. Let's see how they works and the cities involved.

    Cristina Sossan

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