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  • Mandate produced from Manchester's first-ever community assembly on climate change

    Manchester’s first ever Community Assembly on climate change enabled people from across the city to play a key role in shaping our response to the climate emergency!

    The Assembly was facilitated by the Manchester based cooperative Envirolution with support from a coalition of partners including Manchester Climate Change Agency and Partnership and was partly funded the URBACT Zero Carbon Cities Project. Residents from all over Manchester took part during the summer of 2021 in a unique opportunity to play a key role in shaping the future of our city. It is only with our residents’ ideas, thoughts and input we can create a city that's greener, healthier, and more connected.

    The Assembly ran from 9th August – 24th September and all the workshops took place in person in a Coronavirus conscious and responsible environment.

    The project was delivered as part of Manchester Climate Change Agency’s (MCCA) ‘In Our Nature’ programme, which aims to engage people and communities across Manchester to find new and creative ways to inspire climate action. By collecting ideas, stories and actions the programme aims for people to have their say on what’s happening in the local area, find practical tips and get involved in local initiatives.

    More about these projects can be found here: https://zerocarbonmanchester.commonplace.is

    / https://www.manchesterclimate.com/

    Environmental charity Hubbub, the communications and campaigns lead for the ‘In Our Nature’ programme, also supported the assembly and made a documentary film about the project: https://www.hubbub.org.uk

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Understanding the “Social” Science behind Carbon budgeting – a mid term reflection

    In May 2020 phase 2 of the Zero Carbon Cities embarked on the challenge of developing their own Carbon budgets aided by the URBACT methodology.

    This adventure coincided with lockdowns throughout Europe and the end of face-to-face meeting.

    Within the ZCC network we had already planned online meetings for our sub-theme gatherings as reducing Carbon for travel is essential to the underlying values of our network, nevertheless it did substantially impact the local gathering of actors to build a “carbon budget” culture.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Modena and its ZCC participatory process

    2021 represents an important year for the City of Modena when the EU project URBACT ZCC participatory process has come to its full implementation.

    In fact, despite the Covid-19 emergency that has not allowed mostly in presence initiatives, the 2021 has been characterised by:

    - 6 ULG local meetings (from February to December 2021), most of them held online, adding up to the 3 ULGs of the end of 2020 (from September to November 2020);

    - the finalisation of the local pilot action, with the involvement of high school and university students which resulted in the Climate-KIC Climathon initiative “Smuoviamo I Torrazzi! / Let’s move Torrazzi”, a competition on sustainable mobility.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Understanding the “Social” Science behind Carbon budgeting – a mid term reflection

    In May 2020 phase 2 of the Zero Carbon Cities embarked on the challenge of developing their own Carbon budgets aided by the URBACT methodology.

    This adventure coincided with lockdowns throughout Europe and the end of face-to-face meeting.

    Within the ZCC network we had already planned online meetings for our sub-theme gatherings as reducing Carbon for travel is essential to the underlying values of our network, nevertheless it did substantially impact the local gathering of actors to build a “carbon budget” culture.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Helyi feldolgozás magas fenntarthatósági normák mellett: a szécsényi Funky Forest (Magyarország)

    Az Agri Kulti már több mint egy évtizede kutatja azokat a területeket, ahol a fenntartható, kisüzemi magyar élelmiszertermelők számára piaci lehetőségek kínálkoznak. Ennek eredményeként több termelői piac is nyílt: 2011-ben Nagymaroson, 2012-ben a Szimpla Kertben, 2014-ben pedig a Nógrád megyei Balassagyarmaton. 

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Walk and Roll Cities: Preobrazba ulice, ki v središče postavlja ljudi

    Spoznajte URBACT mesta, ki raziskujejo povezavo med mobilnostjo in javnimi prostor z namenom promocije trajnostnih, vključujočih in atraktivnih urbanih prostorov.


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