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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#2 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The second KAIRÓS warm-up webinar showed the potential and role of community involvement in heritage-based urban regeneration and how this is connected to urban resilience and sustainability.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • KAIRÓS THEMATIC WARM-UP#1 by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    The online meeting showed common challenges and potential of cultural heritage for urban development and regeneration.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Crónica de las Jornadas "Hacia una contratación responsable" - URBACT Pamplona

    La jornada estuvo organizada conjuntamente entre la Oficina Estratégica del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona y el Punto Nacional URBACT de España.

    En esta entrada podéis ver el vídeo completo de la jornada y consultar las presentaciones de los ponentes.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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    RU:RBAN comes to an end, the past two years have been intense, enriching and inspiring for all six cities receiving the transfer of Rome’s good practice. What better way for a send-off than meeting all together? This was the original plan, that is to meet in A Coruña ….but Covid-19 did not give the partners this chance and the meeting had to be held online. However, the partners from the Galician city did an extraordinary  work in “bringing” A Coruña to all of us through the images, videos, interviews and virtual tours of the city’s urban gardens and community initiatives taking place in their urban areas. A really successful meeting that showed the extraordinary resilience of the entire RU:RBAN community!

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?

    En "Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?" se comparten las historias positivas de 23 ciudades que transfirieron y adaptaron las buenas prácticas urbanas a sus contextos locales al tiempo que aprendían de sus análogas de la UE en la primera ronda de redes de transferencia de URBACT III (URBACT III Transfer Networks).

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • The chart of the smart cities in Romania still has the same leader: Alba Iulia

    MAPPING OF SMART CITIES, SMART COUNTIES AND SMART VILLAGES IN ROMANIA IN 2021 – 860 PROJECTS IN 124 CITIES. This is an article written by Cornel Barbut, and published firstly on the Vegacomp Consulting website, and the in Romanian press. The present work talks about the state of the smart cities in Romania, Alba Iulia still being on the first place within this edition radiography. 

    Liviu Stanciu

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