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  • Látogatások a CO4CITIES partnervárosainál: betekintés az transzfer tervbe

    2021 júniusától Polyák Levente, a CO4CITIES vezető szakértője a Transzferhálózatban részt vevő valamennyi várost meglátogatta a helyi érdekeltek aktív közreműködésével, hogy megvitassák a transzfer tervbe bekerülő kihívásokat és célkitűzéseket.
    Leventét körbevezették Torino, Gdansk és Kolozsvár városában, míg ő szülővárosában, Budapesten szervezett megbeszéléseket a helyi érdekeltekkel.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Σύμφωνο των Δημάρχων για το Κλίμα και την Ενέργεια

    Κάντε τώρα την εγγραφή σας: ελάτε να γιορτάσουμε τη δέσμευση των πόλεων για να επιτύχουν την ουδετερότητα άνθρακα


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  • Writing a New Story: Using Heritage-Based Urban Regeneration to Stimulate Urban Resilience by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    Our ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp, explored in a detailed report how heritage-based urban regeneration can be used as a resource to stimulate urban resilience. He refers to various European projects that were implemented or are still ongoing in the past 10 years. In addition, he developed a set of principles to enable such initiative which can be transferred to different urban contexts.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Bragança. Freedom to Start Over

    The “Find Your Greatness” program addresses the challenges highlighted by Alba Iulia (Romania), the leading city of this program, that includes seven more cities from the European Union: Bragança (Portugal), Voru (Estonia), Wroclaw (Poland), Candelária (Canary Islands), Perugia (Italy), Limerick (Ireland) e Budafok (Hungry). The goal is to improve the cities` territorial marketing strategy, through cooperation between European cities, based on the potential of each, and successfully create Europe's first branding strategy building program for smart cities. The planning of the Small Scale Action happened during the sessions of the Urbact Local Group of Bragança, which brought together people from various institutions and professional areas, from the Municipality of Bragança, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Brigantia Ecopark, More – Collaborative Laboratory, Associação de Municípios da Terra Fria do Nordeste Transmontano, and local entrepreneurs.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Territoires en commun, la plateforme des coopérations et de l’engagement citoyen.

    Pour aider les collectivités française à construire l’action publique locale avec et par les citoyens, l’Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT) lance une nouvelle plateforme numérique dédiée aux démarches de coopération territoriale et d’engagement citoyen.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Smart cities attract women into STEM sectors

    Women in STEM sectors are without a doubt still highly underrepresented, in training as well as in employment. The same applies for science and that can also affect climate change. Can larger demographic diversity in climate change science result in more climate friendly solutions? And how can a smart city build attention to and connect more with the STEM sector? The main subjects for this hybrid-digital transnational meeting in La Rochelle was dedicated to Gender and STEM (an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

    Elisabeth Lind

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