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  • Walk on a Bee Path and learn a city Bee Story

    Spring is in the air and for sure you’ve noticed bees on your balcony, in your garden, in parks. If there are just a few of them, then your need to think how to make your neighbourhood more bee friendly. With this we also mean a cleaner and nicer place to live for all city inhabitants – people as well. Learn how to do it at the end of this article, but to get started, we invite you to take a walk on the six bee paths of the cities of Amarante, Bydgoszcz, Cesena, Hegyvidek, Nea Propontida and Ljubljana. Walking them physically or virtually (following restrictions related to COVID) you will feel the clean nature, learn a thing or two about biodiversity, apitourism and innovative bee products etc. For additional inspiration join our celebrations of the World Bee Day (20th of May).


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  • Case study Prato: Circular reuse of industrial heritage

    In this third case study delivered by the URGE network, the city of Prato, shares their experiences with the circular reuse of industiral heritage at urban regeneration area 'Macrolotto 0'. 

    City of Utrecht

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  • ACTive NGOs network`s journey continues for building community spaces for cultivating local ecosystems

    The beginning of April has been marked with a reunion, celebration and a significant review moment for the participants of the URBACT project “Riga NGO House - platform for cooperation between non-governmental organizations and municipalities” (ACTive NGOs). On April 7 and 8, 2021 the project participants and other stakeholders met in a virtual environment during the international final event “ACTive NGOs: creating community spaces for the development of local ecosystems”. The project has come to an end, but the work is still going on and the partners can still continue developing the idea of an NGO House in their cities.


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  • Take a walk on any of the six Bee Paths

    Meet the different bees that live on our Bee Paths!

    If you like to enjoy your time and observe nature and all of its inhabitants, even some of the smallest ones like the bees, we will explain where to learn more about them in this article. To get started we invite you to take a walk on the six bee paths of the cities of Amarante, Bydgoszcz, Cesena, Hegyvidek, Nea Propontida and Ljubljana. Read some information about them or take a more detailed stroll along them in the attached documents in English or the local languages.


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  • "All Aboard" the Green Line to Bistrița city

    During the last 10 years, road transportation has been rising in Bistrița city with an increase in the number of cars and an intensification of road traffic. This phenomenon has led to an increase of pollution caused by transport and a congestion on the parking capacity in the area. Nevertheless, urban public transport has played an important role in the development of the city, facilitating the population's access to jobs and services.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • City video URGE: Kavala

    The fourth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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