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  • Would a strategic approach towards Local Economic Development make small cities more resilient?

    Small cities are often at a higher risk for the negative impacts of global trends that lead to economic downturns. At the same time, they are the places where a significant percentage of the population of the European Union live and work. So how can we address development problems and opportunities at the local level through contextualization of global consequences and locally available resources? How can we develop resilient local governments in an age when the world is faced with a global pandemic and some cities are facing economic crisis? According to the principles of Local Economic Development (LED), local development should be approached strategically and inclusively, and challenging decisions should be guided by sustainability goals. 

    This article is a follow-up to a Masterclass in Local economic development organised by the iPlace Project, a network of 10 small cities who examine opportunities for new local development and aim to find niches which will create potential for future economic growth.

    Sonia Files

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  • The success of Tartu’s Car-Free Avenue

    Tartu’s Car-Free Avenue stimulated the economy and encouraged city residents to safely entertain themselves!

    Laura McIntosh

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  • New life for old houses- first outcomes from the results of the evaluation of the housing agency

    One result of the evaluation of the good example of the ALT/BAU network - the housing agency Chemnitz - was that the agency should increase its public relations work in order to make its activities more visible in Chemnitz.



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    Unfortunately, we have postponed our face-to-face Transnational meeting in Jurmala. We really hope to visit this beautiful city soon, but for the moment, you can enjoy its astonishing landscape with this video...


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  • EU cities explore fair finance to boost adequate and affordable housing

    Local government actions to regulate housing markets and combat exclusion are showcased in a joint URBACT-UIA initiative.

    Laura Colini

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  • „A tudásátadás elsősorban nem város és város között, hanem ember és ember között történik” – Interjú a nyíregyházi TechRevolution projekt vezetőivel

    Nyíregyháza az utóbbi néhány évben jelentős lépéseket tett a gazdaságfejlesztéshez és a digitális gazdaság megerősítéséhez szükséges infrastrukturális és személyi feltételek, valamint az ezeket megalapozó működési modell megteremtésében. Jelenleg zajló URBACT projektjükről, az erre épülő további fejlesztéseikről, illetve az elmúlt időszak kihívásairól, jövőbeli tervekről a projekt képviselőivel Bartók Dáviddal és Kézy Bélával beszélgettünk.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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