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    La nuova guida elaborata per URBACT dagli experts Ileana Toscano, Sandra Rainero and Eddy Adams.


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  • Transição para a economia circular: o "poder" do setor da construção na criação de cidades melhores

    O que significa, em teoria, a economia circular no setor da construção e qual é a situação atual? Quais são os principais desafios e necessidades e como podemos dar-lhes resposta, começando por agir localmente e transferindo os sucessos alcançados no sentido de criar cidades melhores? O projeto da Rede de Planeamento de Ação (APN) URGE procura uma primeira abordagem à questão da circularidade no setor da construção, tendo em vista um impacto importante nas políticas locais e contribuindo, assim, para a realização das ambiciosas metas e objetivos europeus.

    Ana Resende

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  • Vytváranie bezpečnejšieho mestského priestoru vďaka projektu "URBSecurity" v meste Michalovce

    Sieť pre akčné plánovanie „URBSecurity – Planning Safer Cities“ vznikla vďaka podpore operačného programu URBACT III v programovom období 2014 – 2020. Projekt vychádza z predpokladu, že územné plánovanie je kľúčovým prvkom pri definovaní rozvoja miest. Detailné plánovanie urbanistických štruktúr, prevádzka území, monitoringu spolu s prevenciou kriminality a uplatňovaním reštrikčných opatrení má priamy vplyv na rôzne sociálne prejavy správania. Na vnímanie mestskej bezpečnosti občanmi najviac pôsobia negatívne javy. V mnohých prípadoch sú tieto príčinou alebo dôsledkom sociálnej segregácie

    Matus Zak

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  • Public Procurement during and post COVID-19

    The world of public procurement has increasingly changed over the past 6 years as shown by the European Commission, with its updated procurement requirements detailed in the 2014 EU Procurement Directives. However, the scale of the challenges commissioners and procurers are facing at local and city levels are still considerable when it comes to changing their culture, behaviour and practice in order to undertake procurement in a more efficient and effective way.

    Alison Taylor

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  • Gemeinschaftlich koordiniertes Wohnen – entscheidendes Element der Wohnungspolitik

    Kooperative Wohnmodelle, die die Bedürfnisse der Bewohner*innen vor den privaten Profit stellen, erhöhen den Standard für bezahlbaren und angemessenen Wohnraum. Dieses Modell ist Teil eines breiteren Spektrums an Wohnraumkonzepten, die im Rahmen von drei Webseminaren mit dem übergeordneten Titel „Städte-Engagement für ein Recht auf Wohnen“ vorgestellt wurden. Organisatoren waren die Programme URBACT und Urban Innovative Actions (UIA).

    Heike Mages

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  • Enter the ‘facilitar’: URBACT’s guide to online facilitation

    Check out URBACT’s hints and tips for networks' and cities’ online collaboration, including a set of online resources.

    Eddy Adams

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