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  • Group Picture of the Agents of Co-Existence Network during CNM1 in Genk

    Recap of the network meeting in Genk & Breda

    The first Core Network Meeting of the Agents of Co-Existence (AoCE) network took place from 13 to 16 November 2023. To minimise our ecological footprint, we chose to simultaneously visit two partner cities in close geographical proximity: Genk in Belgium and Breda in the Netherlands.

    Adila Aliyeva

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  • ECONNECTING’s second Transnational Meeting in CIM Viseu Dao Lafoes

    CIM Viseu Dão Lafões recently hosted the 2nd meeting of the ECONNECTING network, which central theme was "30 Minute Territories and Strategies for Humanized Mobility." Over the course of two days, participants delved into discussions on good practices implemented by CIM Viseu Dão Lafões and exchanged ideas and challenges faced by each partner in their respective territories.

    Mariachiara Di Tella

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  • Participe nas info sessions do concurso para ITN

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • Concluso Infoday #2 Call ITN

    Nicole Verzaro

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  • Common solidarity kitchen (photo credit UIA project Tast'in Fives).

    Feeding change: Cities empowering healthier and more sustainable food choices

    Over the last five years, the French town of Mouans-Sartoux has reduced the carbon impact of its inhabitants by more than 20%.

    François Jégou

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  • Milan_01

    ITN Lead Partnerek bemutatása - Milánó, Olaszország

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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