What's new

Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • Building Better Cities: Your Voice in URBACT’s Future

    It is time for action and participation, and URBACT, as a programme aiming at responding closely to cities’ needs, wants to integrate you in the consultation process about its future programme falling under the future Cohesion Policy! Go to our online survey before the 31 July and have a say on how your city should look like and why city-to-city cooperation is key for local urban sustainable development.


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  • URBACT Labās prakses konkursa ietvaros ir saņemti 249 pieteikumi!

    184 pilsētas izmantoja iespēju dalīties ar to, kas tām labi padodas, cerot saņemt URBACT Labas prakses zīmi.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • 249 Bonnes Pratiques reçues de 32 pays

    249 Bonnes Pratiques ont été soumises dans le cadre de l'appel URBACT !

    Au total, 184 villes à travers l’Europe ont saisi l'opportunité de partager ce qu'elles font de bien dans l'espoir de recevoir le label de bonne pratique URBACT. 

    Lauryn Pignarre

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  • Event

    EU City Lab on Land Strategies to Feed the City

    Join us in Milan to learn how cities can leverage for more sustainable local food systems by finding different strategies for using land! 

    The EU City Lab on Local Food Systems #3 is a knowledge-sharing event co organised by URBACT and the European Urban Initiative (EUI), with support from the host municipality of Milan (Italy). It will take place from 23 to 24 October 2024. 

  • ""

    Gestalten Sie die Zukunft von URBACT

    Das Eingehen auf die Bedürfnisse von Städten steht im Mittelpunkt des URBACT-Programms. In einem Konsultationsverfahren, das noch bis zum 31. Juli läuft, werden die Bedürfnisse der Städte für die nächste Förderperiode gesammelt. Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance, einen Beitrag zu leisten.

    Martina Bach

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  • Mesto Nitra v sieti GreenPlace. Čo sa deje na Martinskom vrchu?

    Prvá výzva v novom programovacom období URBACT IV (2021-2027) prebehla na začiatku roka 2023. Bola zameraná na vytváranie sietí pre akčné plánovanie. 30 nových sietí začalo svoju činnosť v auguste 2023. Medzi 252 partnerskými mestami z 28 krajín EÚ máme zástupcov aj zo Slovenska v podobe 3 miest (Banská Bystrica, Košice a Nitra), každé v samostatnej sieti.






    GreenPlace. Let’s do it Together!

    Wroclaw (Poľsko)

    Banská Bystrica

    Agents of Co-Existence

    Genk (Belgicko)


    Cities for Sustainability Governance

    Espoo (Fínsko)

    Veronika Čevelová

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