
Enriching the Urban Jungle with Bees

01/09/2018 01/06/2021


BEE PATH Good Practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet Transfer network aims to up-grade and transfer BEE PATH concept, solutions and results from Ljubljana to 5 other EU Cities. It will address urban environmental, biodiversity and food self-sufficiency challenges linked to urban beekeeping through integrated and participative approaches, build key stakeholders’ capacity to influence relevant policies, develop and implement efficient solutions.



LEAD PARTNER : Ljubljana - Slovenia
  • 12th District of Budapest (Hegyvidék) - Hungary
  • Amarante - Portugal
  • Bydgoszcz - Poland
  • Cesena - Italy
  • Nea Propontida - Greece

Get in touch


City of Ljubljana

Mestni trg 1

1000 Ljubljana





Phase I

  • Kick off meeting: Cesena (IT)
  • Transnational Conference: Ljubljana (SI)




Phase II - 1/3

  • Kick off meeting: 12th district of Budapest (HU)
  • BEE PATH good practice study tour with training for Transfer city ULG members: Ljubljana (SI)
  • Thematic transfer meetings: Back2Back meeting Budapest (HU), Bydgoszcz (PL)


Phase II - 2/3

  • Thematic transfer meeting in Cesena (IT)
  • Thematic transfer meeting in Nea Propontida (GR)
  • Thematic transfer meeting in Amarante (PT)




Phase II - 3/3


  • C4TALENT Gears Up for the Next Transnational Meeting in Alghero, Italy

    Taking place from October 1st to 3rd, 2024.

  • Oulun ja Porin kaupungit mukaan uusiin ITN-hankkeisiin

    URBACT IV -ohjelman seurantakomitea myönsi kesäkuun 2024 kokouksessaan rahoituksen kymmenelle Innovation Transfer Networks -hankkeelle. ITN-verkostot ovat URBACT-ohjelman kaupunkiverkosto, jossa