
Education - Food - Environment - Local Economy - Governance

01/06/2021 01/12/2022


BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network is about ensuring the distribution of sustainable school meals in participating cities as a key lever towards the development of an integrated local agri-food approach, protecting both citizens’ health and the environment. The project aims to transfer Mouans- Sartoux’s Good Practice in the field of collective school catering, to other highly committed cities across Europe.



LEAD PARTNER : Mouans-Sartoux - France
  • Liège - Belgium
  • Gava - Spain
  • Wroclaw - Poland


  • Kick-off meeting
  • A Table ! Mouans-Sartoux Food Forum
Mouans-Sartoux Food forum

Food forum in Mouans-Sartoux


  • News
    The URBACT City Festival 2025

    Salvați data pentru Festivalul orașelor URBACT în 2025!

    Următorul Festival al orașelor URBACT va fi găzduit de Wrocław, Polonia și va avea loc în perioada 8 - 10 aprilie 2025

  • News

    URBACT võrgustike uudised

    Juunis lõppenud Heade Linnapoliitika Praktikate konkursile (Good Practice Call) esitati 249 ettepanekut: 184 linna, asulat ja omavalitsust 32 Euroopa riigist. Eestist laekus konkursile neli taotlust

  • News
    Information about URBACT City Festival 2025 in Wroclaw

    URBACT Linnafestival 2025!

    URBACT Linnafestival toimub 8.-10. aprillil 2025 Wrocławi linnas, Poolas, ning registreerimine avatakse novembris.