Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Food
> Participatory Governance
> Circular economy - Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions
I am trained as designer passionate in exploring sustainable ways of living and building scenarios on urban transition. I developed an expertise in social innovation, participative policy making and forward-looking activities.
I founded Strategic Design Scenarios a sustainable transformation lab based in Brussels where I have been working for 25 years with public authorities and companies to create innovation labs in cities and administrations (La Réunion, FR, Mayenne FR, Wallonia Region, BE; EU Policy Lab...), designing sober and resilient public policies (What if we used less water?, Lille FR; Good Food, Brussels, BE...), co-constructing toolkits and games to support transition of civil servant professional practices (VISIONS+21 on local Agenda 21 participative foresight, Organic Skeptic a deck of cards to enhance stakeholders' dialogue on sustainable food...).
Since 10+ years I am supporting European cities as URBACT Lead Expert (2 Action Planning Networks: REFILL The City on the temporary use of vacant spaces and Sustainable Food in Urban Communities; 2 Transfer Networks: BioCanteens #1 & #2 on healthy food practices and cities’ food sovereignty; An URBACT I & II capitalisation study: Social Innovation in Cities) and as Expert for Urban Innovative Action (Collections of Ghent, project on cultural heritage and social cohesion; Handbook for Crisis-Resilient Innovation capitalisation study).
I have a large experience as researcher on transition processes, citizen participation and foresight as partner of various European FP4, FP5 and H2020 EU funded research projects exploring sustainable lifestyles (SPREAD 2050, EMUDE, SUSTAINABLE HOUSEHOLD), transforming energy use domestic practices (NATCONSUMERS, ECO2), engaging citizens in shaping European research policy agenda (CIMULACT), enhancing connectivity between research and policymaking in sustainable consumption (CORPUS), exploring the future of innovation processes (INFU), supporting SME’s adoption of Responsible Research and Innovation (COMPASS).
As a trainer at the INET Institute for National Territorial Studies for territorial agents in France, I can mobilise a wide range of pedagogical experiences on user-centred and community-centred design applied to policies (SciencesPo Lille, FR), design for social innovation (ENSAV La Cambre, BE; Politecnico, Milan, IT; guest professor in design schools and universities worldwide, co-founder of DESIS, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) and education for sustainable development (PERL, Partnership for Education and Research on Responsible Living, Erasmus+).