Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Strategic Urban Planning
> Participatory Governance
> Housing
> Culture - Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions
Since more than 20 years I advise and support municipalities at local and international levels, developing and implementing integrated, sustainable urban development policies and action plans.
In doing so, I provide support in different thematic areas such as
· Governance - sustainable urban development
· Participation – urban regeneration
· Cultural heritage/building culture – urban development
· Housing – just cities
· Urban poverty – regeneration of social deprived neighbourhoods
· Energy/climate – urban redevelopment
For an overview of my projects supported, please visit my website: urbanexpert.net/en/pro/.
Since more than 15 years I contribute my experience to URBACT networks as lead and thematic expert,
through which I have built up a wealth of experience in the successful implementation of URBACT networks. An overview of URBACT networks I have been involved in can be found below.
My fruitful collaboration with Lead and network partners I would love to continue.
I enjoy in particular supporting municipalities to develop and implement new, innovative solutions based on their local challenges, needs and opportunities and to foster an enriching and productive exchange between the network partners.
In summary, as a (lead) expert, I am happy to contribute my wide-ranging and practical experience and knowledge in:
· supporting the Lead Partner in the joint and successful implementation of the URBACT network.
· assisting the partners in the participatory development and implementation of their local policies and action plans.
· facilitating an inspiring and productive exchange of experiences and co-operation between the project partners.
I look forward to being contacted.
Best wishes, Nils Scheffler, scheffler@urbanexpert.net
Involvement in URBACT networks:
· ALT/BAU - Reactivation of vacant residential buildings & flats; Lead expert, Lead partner: Chemnitz
· 2nd Chance - Waking up the sleeping giants; Lead expert, Lead partner: Naples
· HerO – Heritage as opportunity, Lead expert, Lead partner: Regensburg
· URBACT Markets - Markets as driver of sustainable urban development, Lead expert, Lead partner: Barcelona
· sub>urban - Reinventing the Fringe; thematic expert, Lead partner: Antwerp
· SURE - Fostering diversification of local economies by using innovative socio-economic methods of Urban Rehabilitation in deprived urban areas”; thematic expert, Lead partner: Eger