Tiago Ferreira

Edited on 03/09/2024

Tiago Ferreira

  • Portugal

  • Portuguese, English, Spanish, Portuguese
Tiago Ferreira
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Social innovation
    > Local Economy
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions


Better World Strategist

In 2007, I was in the middle of my university degree, and I went on a volunteering mission to Mozambique that changed my life: I discovered my deep purpose, that is to dream, plan and implement impact-driven projects that make the World better.

That experience influenced my entire career…

For 5 years I worked on social innovation, mapping the Portuguese ecosystem, training, and mentoring dozens of social entrepreneurs, collaborating with IES Social Business School.

After that, I dedicated almost 7 years to a beautiful small Portuguese city named Amarante. In here I had the role to create and manage a municipality development agency, named InvestAmarante, that works on investment attraction, entrepreneurship, economic development, tourism management and talent attraction! That’s where I met Urbact!

I participated in four Urbact Networks:

- City Centre Doctor as partner city

- Change! as partner city

- Beepathnet as partner city

- iPlace - Finding Niches for Sustainable Local Economic Development as lead partner

At iPlace, Amarante was the Lead Partner, and I was the project manager working with an amazing team, being responsible since the network concept creation, until the project final event. IPlace was a high impact project to Amarante, that created the cluster Amarante Tech Hub, today with more than 15 tech companies and several jobs.

Urbact also gave me the opportunity to participate on The Urbact University at Rotterdam, and The Urbact City Festival of Lisbon, Tallin and Paris.

=> Know more about iPlace and Local Economic Development at the iPlace mooc HERE! 

Besides these main experiences, I teach at Porto Business School and ESEP and I have my own wine, named “The Wine of the Disquiet”.

Nowadays I am the executive director of Aliados, that is a boutique innovation consulting firm that works with economic development, sustainability, and social innovation. 

I am also European Urban Initiative Expert.

Currently I am the Lead Exper of the Urbact APN "Residents of the Future" about small cities stopping urban shrinkage.

At Mozambique, I learned the sentence “We Are Together”, that is something that I am looking for at a expert roles.