URBACT Good Practices

257 results
  • Dusseldorf / Germany

    Reinventing the fringe

    Inclusive, green and social infrastructure at the edge of the city 

  • Eurometropolis Strasbourg / France

    Bike to work challenge

    Promoting cycling as a means of commuting in the city 

  • Lyon Metropole / France

    Tools for sustainable business transformation

    A digital platform measuring the territorial impacts of companies and the Positive Impact Economy Observatory 

  • Lyon Metropole / France

    Transitional urban planning: Etape 22D

    A testing ground for metropolitan public policies 

  • Tartu / Estonia

    Local food network strategy

    Interdisciplinary strategy for boosting local food networks 

  • Tartu Vald / Estonia

    Community-inclusive public procurement

    Involving communities in procurement preparation and selection of successful bidders 

  • Copenhagen / Denmark

    Climate taskforce

    Transversal governance model empowering citizens for local green transition

  • Ostrava / Czech Republic

    We Create Space: revitalisation of public space

    Enabling communities to implement projects and co-create their city 

  • Usti Nad Labem / Czech Republic

    A model for active citizenship and sustainable development: Účka

    Boosting community development and sustainability with a rewarding volunteer credit system