URBACT Good Practices

257 results
  • Fót / Hungary

    Green spaces for leisure and community

    Transforming abandoned green space for community-building  

  • Kavala / Greece

    Centralised procurement

    Driving economic diversity and environmental sustainability 

  • Munich / Germany

    Education for sustainable development

    Integrating sustainable development in the education system 

  • Flöha / Germany

    Refabrication: Inventing the city centre

    Refabricating urban structure and identity through revitalising a historic spinning factory 

  • Baião / Portugal

    Sustainable tourism destination

    Integrating environmental, social, cultural and economic pillars to promote responsible tourism

  • Valongo / Portugal

    Participatory youth budget

    Involving young people in investing public funds 

  • Torres Vedras / Portugal

    Sustainable food school programme

    A programme providing healthy and sustainable school meals 

  • Lublin / Poland

    Entrepreneurial kids

    Fostering entrepreneurial spirit in children through engaging workshops and activities 

  • Sibenik / Croatia

    Fortress of culture

    Transforming cultural heritage into cultural hotspots