URBACT Good Practices

257 results
  • Alytus / Lithuania

    Citizens' initiatives for urban development

    Citizens shaping their city's development 

  • Dublin / Ireland

    Minority language renewal through innovation

    Setting new standards for urban language revitalisation 

  • Veszprém / Hungary

    Wildflower cities

    Climate-adaptive urban grassland management creating wildflower meadows 

  • Miskolc / Hungary

    Initiative for innovative integrated interventions

    Cooperation between public, civil and private sector to tackle social problems 

  • Püspökszilágy / Hungary

    Natural water retention measures for climate resilience

    Coordinating effective, small-scale natural water retention measures 

  • Nyíregyháza / Hungary

    Local employment forum

    Combatting unemployment and labour shortages by public-private partnerships 

  • Komotini / Greece

    Accessible city for all

    Involving disabled people in creating a city accessible for all 

  • Munich / Germany

    Halle 2: The municipal second-hand shop

    Supporting local circular economy by selling goods from recycling centres 

  • Mouans-Sartoux / France

    Sustainable food education centre

    Reducing citizens' carbon footprint by education on sustainable food