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    Uzzini vairāk par katru no Rīcības plānošanas tīkliem

    Pirmo URBACT IV projektu mājaslapas ir jau pieejamas!

  • Articles
    A person wearing Vr glasses, standing on a wood board in front of a screen

    I’ve been to Härnosänd and seen the future of urban planning – through a VR Headset. And it will soon be coming your way.

    The METACITY Action Planning Network has gotten 10 cities thinking about the future of urban planning and how can new digital technologies, such as the metaverse or Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • News

    Ready for Action! Meeting, 15-16 November 2023

    Municipality of Rethymno organized the “Ready for Action! Meeting”, on November 15th-16th in Rethymno Crete.

  • As novas ferramentas dos City Labs da UE para tempos exigentes

    Enquanto nos preparamos para o próximo City Lab da UE, o Perito URBACT, Eddy Adams, recapitula os desafios e as prioridades das cidades no caminho para a neutralidade climática.

  • Articles
    Viladecans (ES)

    Linnad valmistuvad kliimamuutustega võitlemiseks

    Järgnevalt saate lugeda Hispaania linna Viladecansi uuendusliku linnajuhtimise kohta energiaülemineku valdkonnas, millest saavad õppida nii väikelinnad kui ka teised omavalitsused.

  • Articles
    Good Practice


    Inšpiratívny príklad mesta Vilnius (Litva). Hlavné mesto Litvy je obzvlášť zelené, pričom 44 % jeho územia pokrývajú lesy, parky a námestia. Zatiaľ čo rodinné záhrady pretrvávajú z

  • Articles
    Viladecans (ES)

    Mesta se energično spopadajo s podnebnimi spremembami

    Odkrijte inovativno upravljanje Viladecansa za energetski prehod za manjša mesta in širše.